TestE / Deca / Dbol - Cycle Log


New member
Been lurking around for a while, assimilating knowledge. It's time for my second cycle.

First Cycle:

Test E @ 500mg for 12 weeks.
Aromasin 12.5mg/ed
Had almost zero side effects (tiny bit of acne on my back), gained about 8lbs and dropped my bodyfat.
My diet was not on point at all, I got ill a few weeks in and then never got the volume of food back in (ended up eating around 2000 Calories a day :/).

This Cycle:

Test E @ 500mg/wk (Weeks 1-18)
Deca @ 500mg/wk (Weeks 1-15)
Dbol @ 50mg/ed (Weeks 6-12)

HCG @ 500iu/wk (Weeks 2-21)
Aromasin 12.5mg/ed (Weeks 1-21)

PCT (Weeks 21-24):
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20

My Stats:

Age: 24
Height: 5' 6
Weight: 160lbs
bf%: >12 <17

C/F/P - 400/150/260 (Approx. 4000 calories)

6 Meals a day, split fairly evenly. One cheat meal a week (trying to bulk fairly cleanly given the potential bloating from deca and dbol).


Been really enjoying the Upper/Lower split and saw good results from last cycle so I'm going to stick with it.
However I've decided I need to do something about my inflexibility as well (don't want to get injured!). So I'll be throwing in Yoga on my rest days. The current plan is Upper Lower Yoga - Repeat. Hoping to hit around 30 sets in a session, and depending on how I feel once all three are running at once up the volume further.

I recently built a home gym, so am looking forward to absolutely smashing sessions once the gear kicks in. First pin will be tomorrow pm.


My goal weight overall is around 182lbs lean.
I'm hoping that this cycle will get me very close to that figure (no idea how realistic that is given that this is only my second cycle).
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hCG and Aromasin should be used through week 21. Drop them a couple of days before starting PCT.

Which Dopamine Agonist do you have on hand or will you just be running one the whole cycle?

22lbs of muscle in 20 weeks seems like a stretch.

What is your plan for blood work?
hCG and Aromasin should be used through week 21. Drop them a couple of days before starting PCT.

Which Dopamine Agonist do you have on hand or will you just be running one the whole cycle?

22lbs of muscle in 20 weeks seems like a stretch.

What is your plan for blood work?

Whoops! I knew I'd type something out wrong! Derp. Edited my original post.

Got Prami on hand, hoping that just controlling my Estradiol will be enough.

I'm hoping for maybe around 18. To be honest I'd be happy with 14! Would put me fairly close.

Unfortunately cause I'm in the UK bloodwork is difficult to come by, I had some done following last cycle's PCT. Will get some done again around mid cycle and then again after PCT.
Just did my first pin.

First time ever pinning glutes. What a nightmare. All ended well but my poor flexibility really didn't help!

Today I'm out eating with family to celebrate my birthday. So it's cheat meal day! Hitting upper tonight. I'll post up the routine later tonight.

Haven't really ate a great deal this morning (saving myself for this blow out dinner). Some weetabix and a pint of whole milk and then a quest bar and another pint of milk.

Quick question for the community. I have an extra 1000mg of test that I haven't planned to use yet, what do people think is the best thing to do? 2 more weeks of test only? Up the dose for 4 weeks to 750? Up the dose to 600 for 10 weeks? Or just leave it out?
Just save it for the next cycle. Why complicate things? Stick to your plan.

pinning glutes can be tough if your aren't super flexible. I have had my wife help me. Otherwise I just stick to the other locations that are easy to reach for the big IM injections: Quads, delts, ventroglutes.
Just save it for the next cycle. Why complicate things? Stick to your plan.

pinning glutes can be tough if your aren't super flexible. I have had my wife help me. Otherwise I just stick to the other locations that are easy to reach for the big IM injections: Quads, delts, ventroglutes.


I might do the same, my girlfriend offered to help me but I said no. Next time I think I'll get her to do it!
Pinn her with a little bit of test too. She will get quite frisky when it kicks in. When I say little I really mean a little.
Session last night went well, same as usual as obviously nothing has kicked in yet.

Pip hasn't been too bad, especially given that it's effectively virgin muscle. Hurts to sit down initially but it doesn't seem to be affecting my workouts really (apart from laying down to do Bench or Flys and Stiff Leg Deadlifts).

Decided to overeat to up my hunger the following days. Managed to throw down 4,400 calories in the end. Kept it clean, hit my protein goal and just got some more carbs and fats in.
The aim is to hit around 3,500-4,000 from now on. Looking forward to everything kicking in in a couple of weeks, until then I'm just going to train as normal and stick to the diet plan.