Testosterone Boosters


New member
Anyone has any experience on herbal testosterone boosters: 1) Catuaba 2)Yohimbe 3) Tribulus 4) Tongli Kat. It seems there is a lot of research out there that these stuff works. Using all four in combo should be awesome.
I've used tribulus, works pretty well for me, taking about 2 grams of it a day. I used Yohimbe but wasn't aware at the time of its test boosting properties, I used it in addition to my ECA stack for cutting. You might want to throw ecdysterone in there too...
I dont think yohimbe does - but it can give you a woody - tribulus works best for me @ around 2-5grams a day (45% saponins). doesnt really give dramatic gains - but works for me during post cycle therapy (pct), gives some acne and boosts libido quite a bit.
If youre older then it might work but dont really think it will do so much for you´if youre young.
Anbody have info on 4-Androstenediol? I have been taking 60mg a day and wanted especially to know if there are any adverse side effects when taken over a long period of time. I have searched this site for info on 4-AN but most of what I am reading is way, way over my head. Thanks.
smoothathlete said:
Anyone has any experience on herbal testosterone boosters: 1) Catuaba 2)Yohimbe 3) Tribulus 4) Tongli Kat. It seems there is a lot of research out there that these stuff works. Using all four in combo should be awesome.

If you wanna boost test. levels, try 6-oxo...
I have recently finished my first cycle and am experiencing problems with my sex drive which isn't good since I have a upcomming vacation with a new girlfriend in a month. I have used HCG and Nolva throughout my cycle and will start Clomid and ZMA next week.

My questions are:

Will I notice a drastic improvement with my libido once I start using clomid?
Would it be good to stack tribulus with yohimbine to help boost my natural test.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I've used tribulus, I think it was tribex. It worked well as a supplement. ZMA is over rated in my opinion, you have to take it before bed on an empty stomach for optimal absorbtion. I rarely go to bed on an empty stomach, and unually eat something with a fair amount of calcium in it (which blocks the absorbtion of ZMA). Plus ZMA takes consistant use (everyday) for at least three weeks to get the results. I'd go with some high grade tribulus and some 6-OXO as far as supps go.
I'm using novedex by gaspari, I'm using it as a post cycle therapy (pct) for oxavar (also by Gaspari) I just finished the oxavar (minimal gains) works pretty well but is pricey.