New member
Going to be looking for loggers soon... stay tuned for info in a few days
Multiple loggers, in fact.
Going to be looking for loggers soon... stay tuned for info in a few days
Version3 logs are goin to be fun to watch.
We also have a 25% discount on it, just PM a rep
Get in on this!!!
25% off on TCF-1 just PM me or HereToStudy
Oh crap wouldn't have thought of that combo but now it's in head I'll have to lol good choice.
Offering 25% off TCF-1 (Best tasting DAA supplement) making this a very good and cheap option for anyone looking for DAA.
Nice sale on one of my fav products by PP. How long will this be on Ryan?
now i don't typically like grape, but the grape TCF1 was awesome. da-hcg has a really, really odd texture and taste to it in comparison
More is always better lol!
Yeah Z the grape tcf-1 is for me the best tasting daa period. Its easy to dose as well. Although a wild cherry flavor would be sweeet.