Testosterone Enanthate - By Scorpio


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Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone is the primary male androgen in the male body, Testosterone Enanthate is an ester of this naturally occurring androgen. Testosterone is necessary for the development of male characteristics.Being the primary androgen, testesterone is the most potent mass builder there is.

Testosterone Enanthate is a counterpart of Tesosterone cypionate. Like cypionate, enanthate is a single-ester and long-acting form of the base steroid testosterone.The major difference between the two is that enanthate is seven carbons long and cypionate is 8 carbons long. The basic meaning of this is enanthate has less of the weight of the ester and more of it is testosterone.The longer the ester it is, the more weight it takes up. So 500mgs of enanthate will have more testosterone than 500 mgs of cypionate.

A rapid build up of strength can be noted quickly with Enanthate. Also there will be distinct water retention. The water retention can show as flat and puffy muscles. Testosterone Enanthate conversion rate to estrogen is also high. This can make the user store more fat and feminization symptoms (gynecomastia) can be a problem. Testosterone Enanthate will strongly promotes the regeneration process. This can develop the feeling of well being and increased energy. Users often report the feeling of massive pumps while using this compound. This pump is attributed to an in-creased blood volume with a higher oxygen supply and a higher quantity of red blood cells.

A long-acting testosterone ester may be the best for all your mass-building needs, but its not an easy product to use. Because of the extreme length of action (3-4 weeks) one cannot easily solve occurring problems by simply discontinuing the product, as it will continue to act and aggravate side-effects over extended periods of time. In regards to damage control and post-cycle therapy, some familiarity with the use of ancillary drugs is required prior to using a long-acting testosterone product. Nolvadex and Proviron will come in very handy in such cases and post-cycle Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid or Nolvadex will be required as well to help restore natural testosterone. Frequency of side-effects is probably highest with this type of product.

Testosterone enanthate has a strong influence on the hypothalamohypophysial testicular axis. The hypophysis is inhib-ited by a positive feedback. This leads to a negative influence on the endogenic testosterone production. Possible effects are described by the German Jenapharm GmbH in their package insert for the com-pound Testosteron Depot: " In a high-dosed treatment with test-osterone compounds an often reversible interruption or reduction of the spermatogenesis in the testes is to be expected and conse-quently also a reduction of the testes size." Consequently, after reading these state-ments, additional intake of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should be considered. Those who take Testosterone enanthate should consider the intake of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ev-ery 6-8 weeks. An injection of 5000 I.U. every fifth day over a period of 10 days (a total of 3 injections) helps to reduce this problem. At the end of the testosterone treatment the administration of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), Clomid, Nolvadex and Clenbuterol is now quite common. To some extent the use of these compounds helps absorb the catabolic phase and helps elevate the endogenic testosterone level. By this method the strength and mass loss which occur in any event can be reduced. Those who go off Testosterone enanthate 6cold turkey6 after several weeks of use will wonder how rapidly their body weights and former voluminous muscles will decrease. Even a slow tapering-off phase, that is reducing the dosage step by step, will not prevent a notice-able reduction. The only options available to the athlete consist of taking testosterone-stimulating compounds ( Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), Clomid, Cyclofenil), anti-catabolic substances (Clenbuterol, Ephedrine), or the very expensive growth hormones, or of switching to milder steroids (Deca-Durabolin, Winstrol, Primobolan). Most can get mas-sive and strong with Testosterone enanthate. However, only very few are able to retain their size after discontinuing the compound This is also one of the reasons why really good bodybuilders, powerlifters, weightlighters, and others take the "stuff " all year long.

The side effects of Testosterone enanthate are mostly the distinct androgenic effect and the increased water retention. This is usually the reason for the frequent occurrence of hypertony (3). Those who have a predisposition for high blood pressure or whose blood pres-sure is elevated when they begin taking Testosterone enanthate should have it periodically checked by a physician. If necessary the intake of an antihypertensive drug (4) such as Catapresan is advisable. Many athletes experience a strong acne vulgaris with Testosterone enanthate which manifests itself on the back, chest, shoulders, and arms more than on the face. Athletes who take large quantities of Testo can often be easily recognized because of these characteristics. It is interesting to note that in some athletes these characteristics only occur after use of the compound has been discontinued, which implies a rebound effect. In severe cases the medicine Accutane can help. The already discussed feminization symptoms, especially gynecomastia, require the intake of an anti-estrogen. Sexual overstimulation with frequent erections at the beginning of intake is normal. In young athletes, "in addition to virilization,testosterone can also lead to an accelerated growth and bone maturation, to a premature epiphysial closing of the growth plates and thus a lower height" (Jenapharm GmbH, package insert for Testosteron-Depot).' Since mostly taller athletes are successful in bodybuilding, young adults should reflect carefully before taking any anabolic/andro-genic steroids, in particular, testosterone.

Other possible side effects are testicular atrophy, reduced sper-matogenesis, and especially an increased aggressiveness. Those who transfer this aggressiveness to their training and not their environment do not have to worry. Unfortunately this is not the case in some athletes who take Testosterone enanthate. Testoster-one and Finaject are both primary reasons for some eruptions. In particular, high doses are in part responsible for anti-social be-havior among its users. One can talk here of a sort of "superman syndrome" that occurs in some users. Although Testosterone enanthate is broken down through the liver, this compound is only slightly toxic when taken in a reasonable dose; therefore, changes of the liver values do not occur as often as with the oral I 7-alpha alkylated steroids. Further potential side effects can be deep voice and accelerated hair loss.

Women should normally avoid its intake since it could result in unpleasant androgen-linked side effects. The use of testosterone in women may cause symptoms of virilization such as acne vulgaris, hirsutism (5), androgenetic alopecia (6), voice changes, and occasional clitorial hypertrophy and an unnatu-rally perceived increase in libido. Changes in voice and alopecia must be classified as irreversible, hirsutism and clitorial hypertrophy as in part reversible." Women who are not afraid of this are found at many competition scenes. In our opinion, 250 mg is the maximum quantity of Testosterone enanthate that a fe-male athlete should take each 7-10 days. However in competition bodybuilding and especially in powerlifting much higher dosages and shorter injection intervals have been observed in women.

Another interesting side effect of Testosterone enanthate is men-tioned in the bodybuilding magazine Muscle Media 2000, June July 1993 on page 45. Judging whether this is positive or nega-tive is left to the reader. 'A few years ago, the Lancet Medical Journal of England reported that they found testosterone (the proto-type anabolic steroid) to be a remarkably effective form of male birth control. Researchers conducted a 12 month study which included 270 men and determined that weekly injections of the hormone testosterone were 'safe, stable, and effective.' They dis-covered that weekly testosterone injections had a success rate of 99.2% as a birth control method. That makes it more effective than the birth control pill (97%) and much more effective than condoms (88%). The study also revealed that the effects of the contraceptive injections were entirely reversible upon discontinu-ing administration of the drug and that the testosterone injec-tions produced minimal side effects."

Similar studies with identical data are also in progress at a German university clinic. Although this is not part of the actual subject of this book, these results stress at least the need for testosterone-stimu-lating compounds during and after the intake of Testosterone enanthate. Since it is effective for such a long period of time, Test-osterone enanthate is always taken more frequently by athletes during their "steroid intervals." An injection of 250 mg every 2-3 weeks helps maintain strength and mass. Whether this application makes sense remains to be seen; the fact is that it works.

(1) Inadequate function of the genital glands (2) Anemia (3) High blood pressure (4) To reduce high blood pressure (5) Increased hair growth in face and on legs (6) Androgenic-linked loss of hair on the scalp.

By Scorpio

Anabolic review
Big cat

interesting shit. makes one want to discontinue buying cyp. if it has less test in it than enth. due to the heavier amount of carbons.
Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone is the primary male androgen in the male body, Testosterone Enanthate is an ester of this naturally occurring androgen. Testosterone is necessary for the development of male characteristics.Being the primary androgen, testesterone is the most potent mass builder there is.

Testosterone Enanthate is a counterpart of Tesosterone cypionate. Like cypionate, enanthate is a single-ester and long-acting form of the base steroid testosterone.The major difference between the two is that enanthate is seven carbons long and cypionate is 8 carbons long. The basic meaning of this is enanthate has less of the weight of the ester and more of it is testosterone.The longer the ester it is, the more weight it takes up. So 500mgs of enanthate will have more testosterone than 500 mgs of cypionate.

A rapid build up of strength can be noted quickly with Enanthate. Also there will be distinct water retention. The water retention can show as flat and puffy muscles. Testosterone Enanthate conversion rate to estrogen is also high. This can make the user store more fat and feminization symptoms (gynecomastia) can be a problem. Testosterone Enanthate will strongly promotes the regeneration process. This can develop the feeling of well being and increased energy. Users often report the feeling of massive pumps while using this compound. This pump is attributed to an in-creased blood volume with a higher oxygen supply and a higher quantity of red blood cells.

A long-acting testosterone ester may be the best for all your mass-building needs, but its not an easy product to use. Because of the extreme length of action (3-4 weeks) one cannot easily solve occurring problems by simply discontinuing the product, as it will continue to act and aggravate side-effects over extended periods of time. In regards to damage control and post-cycle therapy, some familiarity with the use of ancillary drugs is required prior to using a long-acting testosterone product. Nolvadex and Proviron will come in very handy in such cases and post-cycle Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid or Nolvadex will be required as well to help restore natural testosterone. Frequency of side-effects is probably highest with this type of product.

Testosterone enanthate has a strong influence on the hypothalamohypophysial testicular axis. The hypophysis is inhib-ited by a positive feedback. This leads to a negative influence on the endogenic testosterone production. Possible effects are described by the German Jenapharm GmbH in their package insert for the com-pound Testosteron Depot: " In a high-dosed treatment with test-osterone compounds an often reversible interruption or reduction of the spermatogenesis in the testes is to be expected and conse-quently also a reduction of the testes size." Consequently, after reading these state-ments, additional intake of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should be considered. Those who take Testosterone enanthate should consider the intake of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ev-ery 6-8 weeks. An injection of 5000 I.U. every fifth day over a period of 10 days (a total of 3 injections) helps to reduce this problem. At the end of the testosterone treatment the administration of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), Clomid, Nolvadex and Clenbuterol is now quite common. To some extent the use of these compounds helps absorb the catabolic phase and helps elevate the endogenic testosterone level. By this method the strength and mass loss which occur in any event can be reduced. Those who go off Testosterone enanthate 6cold turkey6 after several weeks of use will wonder how rapidly their body weights and former voluminous muscles will decrease. Even a slow tapering-off phase, that is reducing the dosage step by step, will not prevent a notice-able reduction. The only options available to the athlete consist of taking testosterone-stimulating compounds ( Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), Clomid, Cyclofenil), anti-catabolic substances (Clenbuterol, Ephedrine), or the very expensive growth hormones, or of switching to milder steroids (Deca-Durabolin, Winstrol, Primobolan). Most can get mas-sive and strong with Testosterone enanthate. However, only very few are able to retain their size after discontinuing the compound This is also one of the reasons why really good bodybuilders, powerlifters, weightlighters, and others take the "stuff " all year long.

The side effects of Testosterone enanthate are mostly the distinct androgenic effect and the increased water retention. This is usually the reason for the frequent occurrence of hypertony (3). Those who have a predisposition for high blood pressure or whose blood pres-sure is elevated when they begin taking Testosterone enanthate should have it periodically checked by a physician. If necessary the intake of an antihypertensive drug (4) such as Catapresan is advisable. Many athletes experience a strong acne vulgaris with Testosterone enanthate which manifests itself on the back, chest, shoulders, and arms more than on the face. Athletes who take large quantities of Testo can often be easily recognized because of these characteristics. It is interesting to note that in some athletes these characteristics only occur after use of the compound has been discontinued, which implies a rebound effect. In severe cases the medicine Accutane can help. The already discussed feminization symptoms, especially gynecomastia, require the intake of an anti-estrogen. Sexual overstimulation with frequent erections at the beginning of intake is normal. In young athletes, "in addition to virilization,testosterone can also lead to an accelerated growth and bone maturation, to a premature epiphysial closing of the growth plates and thus a lower height" (Jenapharm GmbH, package insert for Testosteron-Depot).' Since mostly taller athletes are successful in bodybuilding, young adults should reflect carefully before taking any anabolic/andro-genic steroids, in particular, testosterone.

Other possible side effects are testicular atrophy, reduced sper-matogenesis, and especially an increased aggressiveness. Those who transfer this aggressiveness to their training and not their environment do not have to worry. Unfortunately this is not the case in some athletes who take Testosterone enanthate. Testoster-one and Finaject are both primary reasons for some eruptions. In particular, high doses are in part responsible for anti-social be-havior among its users. One can talk here of a sort of "superman syndrome" that occurs in some users. Although Testosterone enanthate is broken down through the liver, this compound is only slightly toxic when taken in a reasonable dose; therefore, changes of the liver values do not occur as often as with the oral I 7-alpha alkylated steroids. Further potential side effects can be deep voice and accelerated hair loss.

Women should normally avoid its intake since it could result in unpleasant androgen-linked side effects. The use of testosterone in women may cause symptoms of virilization such as acne vulgaris, hirsutism (5), androgenetic alopecia (6), voice changes, and occasional clitorial hypertrophy and an unnatu-rally perceived increase in libido. Changes in voice and alopecia must be classified as irreversible, hirsutism and clitorial hypertrophy as in part reversible." Women who are not afraid of this are found at many competition scenes. In our opinion, 250 mg is the maximum quantity of Testosterone enanthate that a fe-male athlete should take each 7-10 days. However in competition bodybuilding and especially in powerlifting much higher dosages and shorter injection intervals have been observed in women.

Another interesting side effect of Testosterone enanthate is men-tioned in the bodybuilding magazine Muscle Media 2000, June July 1993 on page 45. Judging whether this is positive or nega-tive is left to the reader. 'A few years ago, the Lancet Medical Journal of England reported that they found testosterone (the proto-type anabolic steroid) to be a remarkably effective form of male birth control. Researchers conducted a 12 month study which included 270 men and determined that weekly injections of the hormone testosterone were 'safe, stable, and effective.' They dis-covered that weekly testosterone injections had a success rate of 99.2% as a birth control method. That makes it more effective than the birth control pill (97%) and much more effective than condoms (88%). The study also revealed that the effects of the contraceptive injections were entirely reversible upon discontinu-ing administration of the drug and that the testosterone injec-tions produced minimal side effects."

Similar studies with identical data are also in progress at a German university clinic. Although this is not part of the actual subject of this book, these results stress at least the need for testosterone-stimu-lating compounds during and after the intake of Testosterone enanthate. Since it is effective for such a long period of time, Test-osterone enanthate is always taken more frequently by athletes during their "steroid intervals." An injection of 250 mg every 2-3 weeks helps maintain strength and mass. Whether this application makes sense remains to be seen; the fact is that it works.

(1) Inadequate function of the genital glands (2) Anemia (3) High blood pressure (4) To reduce high blood pressure (5) Increased hair growth in face and on legs (6) Androgenic-linked loss of hair on the scalp.

By Scorpio

Anabolic review
Big cat
