Testosterone: How high is too high?


New member
Hey everyone. I was finally able to get back on cycle after being off for a few years due to trying to have a baby. I have always done pre and post bloodwork but never on cycle. Just got my bloodwork back today after being back on for 6 weeks and was surprised to see how high my total testosterone levels were. My question is, is there a point where testosterone levels are too high? Mine came back at 5288. My cycle is as follows:

Test Prop -75mg ED
NPP - 100mg EOD
that should be expected with legit gear.. the point of diminishing returns would be if you decided to bump up your test dosage to try to get it even higher,, there would be no point. more negative sides, your already at super-physiological levels, right where you need to be for anabolic growth.

staying at that level for 12 weeks or so is fine.. of course staying at the level indefinitely would have negative health consequences.
Thanks Roush. I would think that since I am only 6 weeks in that my test would continue to rise. If I am currently right where I should be then shouldn't I lower the dose slightly? I was also planning on finishing out with anavar, should I just shelve that for later use?
Hey everyone. I was finally able to get back on cycle after being off for a few years due to trying to have a baby. I have always done pre and post bloodwork but never on cycle. Just got my bloodwork back today after being back on for 6 weeks and was surprised to see how high my total testosterone levels were. My question is, is there a point where testosterone levels are too high? Mine came back at 5288. My cycle is as follows:

Test Prop -75mg ED
NPP - 100mg EOD

You scored some good gear there brother. Back in the day I ran as much as 2 grams a week,1 gram of deca ew and 50mg dbol ed. Blood pressure was sky high, but I was 50lbs heavier than I am now and a hell of alot stronger. By back in the day I mean at least 15 years ago. Hide sight is 20/20 and I would not encourage anyone to run a cycle like this. I got huge though.

5000's is very nice. You can do a lot with that. The more gear you run, the greater the sides and health risks. It all depends on your goals.
Thanks for the info luckypaul. I got lucky on this one. I found a killer deal at $**** per 10ml vial so I grabbed 20 props, 20 sust, 20 deca, 20 tren and 20 Test E. I thought at that price it might not be legit which is what lead me to do the on cycle blood work to begin with. Im also thinking that because of the time off I took that may contribute to the levels being that high.
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I understand that everyone here is telling you that you are running some good stuff but I still believe that the amount of prop you are doing will not get you to those levels. Suspicious that your NPP is also test ....
Thanks for the info luckypaul. I got lucky on this one. I found a killer deal at $**** per 10ml vial so I grabbed 20 props, 20 sust, 20 deca, 20 tren and 20 Test E. I thought at that price it might not be legit which is what lead me to do the on cycle blood work to begin with. Im also thinking that because of the time off I took that may contribute to the levels being that high.

Price talk is not allowed in the forums.

For comparison, I just got my blood work back today and I am running 500mg/wk of Test cyp that I get from the pharmacy with my prescription for TRT. It put my TT at 3000ng/dl.

Being of for a long time will make no difference in your TT levels.

Note: the ECLIA Assay for Total T falsely reads nandrolone as Testosterone. I would bet money that is why your TT reading is so high.
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That is a good point. I hadn't even thought of that. First time with NPP. Only thing I noticed is that the NPP gives me a bit of a cough like tren but not nearly as bad. Is this normal of NPP?
Sorry about that megatron. and I am not quite sure I understand that last part correctly. So your saying that the test levels are not really that high? It is mistaking NPP for total test? If this is the case or even if it is not, is it safe to continue the cycle as I have been? Everyone I know is telling me I need to lower the dose or frequency.
Sorry about that megatron. and I am not quite sure I understand that last part correctly. So your saying that the test levels are not really that high? It is mistaking NPP for total test? If this is the case or even if it is not, is it safe to continue the cycle as I have been? Everyone I know is telling me I need to lower the dose or frequency.

That is exactly what I am saying. See the following study.


The whole idea of running a cycle was to achieve supraphysiological levels. Why are you second guessing that now? Manage your estradiol and things should be fine.

If you want to find out where your TT is really at get the LC/MS-MS Assay.
Hey everyone. I was finally able to get back on cycle after being off for a few years due to trying to have a baby. I have always done pre and post bloodwork but never on cycle. Just got my bloodwork back today after being back on for 6 weeks and was surprised to see how high my total testosterone levels were. My question is, is there a point where testosterone levels are too high? Mine came back at 5288. My cycle is as follows:

Test Prop -75mg ED
NPP - 100mg EOD

it should be at around 2000-3000
TRT doses are ~200mg that put ~1000ng/dl 5000 ... your body assimilate gear very good or it is overdosed maybe or lab mistake (I have had lab mistake one time when was off all time my test levels were 360-380 then suddenly it came 900ng/dl I immediately know it was mistake went for repeat test and came 410) ...
I did blood work 3 weeks in on test E cycle and it came 1437ng/dl I estimate max levels were 2200-2500 not more. Then for me 5000 levels would be like running 1G per week and that is a lot...
Did you checked cholesterol red blood cells hematocrit ? How is blood pressure? Mine was slightly elevated at the end of cycle 134/90 when all ife it was 120/80
Your levels will not raise 6 weeks in with prop it definitely has peaked already long time ago...
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Guys, remember 500 mg prop = 575 mg test e.

This guy take 525 mg prop. Some guys while on 500 mg test e cycle, their test levels at 4000 ng/dl. I think OP's T level can be correct.
Good to know everyone and thank you for your input. I was actually super excited to see my lab results at first and had no concern. The reason I started to second guess my cycle megatron was due to a couple friends that told me that it was too high and I needed to run a lower dose. Both of these guys run very mild, very short length cycles and told me that it was not safe to have levels that high. This is what led me to post the question on here as I have found over the years that I get what seems to be more reasonable answers from people who run cycles like mine.

By the way wanted to say thank you megatron. I'm sure you don't remember but you are the one who gave me the advice last March when I was having fertility issue after a couple years of trying to have a baby. Shortly after posting on here I finally got her knocked up and was able to start cycling once again.
Good to know everyone and thank you for your input. I was actually super excited to see my lab results at first and had no concern. The reason I started to second guess my cycle megatron was due to a couple friends that told me that it was too high and I needed to run a lower dose. Both of these guys run very mild, very short length cycles and told me that it was not safe to have levels that high. This is what led me to post the question on here as I have found over the years that I get what seems to be more reasonable answers from people who run cycles like mine.

By the way wanted to say thank you megatron. I'm sure you don't remember but you are the one who gave me the advice last March when I was having fertility issue after a couple years of trying to have a baby. Shortly after posting on here I finally got her knocked up and was able to start cycling once again.

You say you were having fertility issues? What did you use to aid the process?

I would imagine HCG for both you and your woman would have helped. Clomid, perhaps just for you added in there, may have helped as well.

In regards to cycling and doses.. it's all relative, get LOADS of sides from 1000+mg of Test/wk, but can do 500mg Test /wk + 1000mg Tren / wk + 30mg Sdrol ed for 12 weeks and be shredded with minimal sides. There are ex-Mr.O's that had doctors following their bloods through everything, every comp, every bulk, cut, loads of GH, slin, etc.... 25 years later dudes look great, smaller, but healthy and seem well off. Dorian Yates is a good example, not sure he did slin.. but, surely AAS and GH! Still killin it, 12+ years of considerably high (again, relative) AAS use..

What is high for you, may not be high for another and vice versa. Megatron has 3000 TT from 500mg of Pharm Grade Test / wk. I get 2400-2600 TT from UGL at 500mg/wk (never done pharma).. does it mean the gear is dosed differently? It could, or it could mean we just take differently to the drug. Hard to say.. Pharma is always BEST in terms of sterility, dosing consistency, and overall product reliability however (not often pharm grade will fall out on you).
I put a halt on all AAS use and ran clomid at 25mg EOD. After about 2 months my sperm count went from zero to 45 million per ml. Now I'm expecting a baby girl in March.
I put a halt on all AAS use and ran clomid at 25mg EOD. After about 2 months my sperm count went from zero to 45 million per ml. Now I'm expecting a baby girl in March.

Very nice man, congratulations! I was very curious about that part. I will be sure to keep that dosing in my head for future reference.

What kept you from trying to do a full-on trial recovery? (HCG , Clomid , Tamoxifen) Clearly it worked, not questioning that!.. I guess I just worry about doing that and going too low, and long enough that low to feel like crap again. How was your experience in that regard?
Good to know everyone and thank you for your input. I was actually super excited to see my lab results at first and had no concern. The reason I started to second guess my cycle megatron was due to a couple friends that told me that it was too high and I needed to run a lower dose. Both of these guys run very mild, very short length cycles and told me that it was not safe to have levels that high. This is what led me to post the question on here as I have found over the years that I get what seems to be more reasonable answers from people who run cycles like mine.

By the way wanted to say thank you megatron. I'm sure you don't remember but you are the one who gave me the advice last March when I was having fertility issue after a couple years of trying to have a baby. Shortly after posting on here I finally got her knocked up and was able to start cycling once again.

Congratulations! That is awesome news.
Steve, I want to comment on what your buddies are telling you. Some have the idea that "milder" cycles are better for you. The truth is that either your HPTA is switched on or off -- Shutdown. It doesn't care if you take 250mg of test/wk or 1000mg of Test/wk. Both will shut down your HPTA.

The issue with higher doses comes from a cost benefit point of view. Literally, higher doses do cost more and provide marginally better benefits. But the biggest issue is that higher doses make managing the negative side effects like estrogen, HCT and BP much more difficult. So if you can gfet great gains and reduced sides from 500mg, why run 750mg?
^^. Exactly .. Some guys think that if they take low dosage test, like 100 mg a week for example,, that that will be easier to recover from,, then say 1000mg a week. But it does not matter the dosage, hpta is equally shut down on either dosage and recovery will be exactly the same*

If your gonna shut yourself down on a cycle and have to recover anyhow, you might as well make it worth it and run a significant dosage to warrant gains (as long as you can keep the secondary sides at bay and not go beyond diminishing returns)

* only factor that would make a difference would be length of time,, eg., running a 6 week cycle vs running a 14 week cycle