If it test, it does not make your urine darker.
Bro i use pharmacy test. And yes, made my urine darker .
Just to cover our bases, where did you inject the testosterone into?
Any chance you missed the muscle accidentally and injected it into your bladder or some other organ?
Why Testosterone makes my urine darker? Do not tell me drink more water. One shot of test shouldnt do this.
What? Organ? How can be possible if I inject into glutes?
Sorry bro, you've punctured your sexy valve in the gluteus minimus, and it has spilled into your bladder. Unfortunately the only way to fix this is either to drink the urine and regain the Sexy Factor (SF-1) super hormone, or do 5 sets of ten of heavy seated rows weekly, for three months.
Those are your ONLY options. Anything else will deplete your SF-1 to ZERO - causing you to no longer be sexy.
Or just drink more water. I'm pretty sure based on your posts you're too damn young for this stuff anyway.
Am am asking if you accidentally missed the glute. I agree this is highly unlikely, but so is Test changing urine color one day after an IM injection, right?
Yes sometimes. But we will see other injections.
I am flat out TELLING you that testosterone does NOT change the color of your urine. It's either something you're eating, it's not testosterone in that needle, or you're simply not drinking enough water.
You really should pull the plug on this cycle before you hurt yourself.
Why hurt myself? This is test only cycle and i take 0.25 mg arimidex EOD. I take NAC. Bloodwork every 15 days. I think i do this professionaly.