Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) + H-drol


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TRT + H-drol

Some of you may remember me, others not, but the short version is I have low testosterone as a result of pain management therapy administered for a shoulder injury from the past.

Currently, I'm working and making decent money but went so long without cash that I've got a lot of ground to cover before I'm in the clear. Next week will be a big success if all goes well.

I can't currently afford my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), and I have consulted Chip from these forums which is who I intend on contacting once I have the money to afford the programs he discussed with me.

I do currently have some testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) cream, I stopped using it in the past because it was such a pain in the ass to apply everyday and try to avoid my daughter touching the application areas by mistake.

I also have some left over H-drol that I had dabbled with in the past.

I haven't been taking anything for the past few months. I attempted to do a post cycle therapy (pct) to try and restart natural production but the post cycle therapy (pct) products I purchased (torem) caused stomach pain like no other so I discontinued use.

My question, should I try to build a protocol/cycle out of the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) cream and H-drol. Right now I'm probably floating 200ng/dl, if I'm lucky, and you can imagine how awesome I feel and how strong I am! Not...

My idea is if I use the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) it'll help increase test but it's unlikely the dose they prescribed will fill the entire 600ng/dl gap I'm suffering from the normal 800 they said I should have. That's where I want the H-drol to come in and just help out. My goal is to lose weight. I won't be lifting heavy, just enough to keep things lubricated, and running.

I walk a lot at work and that alone has toned my legs back to where they were when I was on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) before. They're sculpted but soft.

My main purpose behind all of this is not having a shit load of ground to cover when I finally get a chance to work with Chip. Currently working out is almost useless. The fatigue from work alone is enough to make me not want to go but then recovery times are so long I can't work out regularly if I want to put any punch in my work out.

I'll likely dose the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as prescribed. 1/ml (100mg/ml) cream applied daily which equated to about 10ng/dl a day.

I don't recall what a regular cycle of H-drol was daily though.

Any input is appreciated. Negative bashing is useless because I know enough about these products to know this isn't a brilliant idea, but unless you've ever been/are currently at 200ng/dl you can STFU about it because it feels like hell.
from what i know about the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) cream, i wouldn't even think about it. you get VERY little conversion and injects are what you should be doing (i think you know this).

you'd be just as good off using the hdrol solo. i doubt it will crash your levels any lower (make you feel worse) and once you hop on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) you'll feel right again.

dont dose the hdrol any lower than 50mg a day. run it at least for 4 weeks IMO. 5 is better. if you can get up to 75mg a day that would be ideal, again JMO.

good luck and I hope you get to feeling better soon.
07Lane40 - You're exactly right, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) cream is whack. It did however work to elevate levels in the past to get me out of the "I feel dead" zone, but hell...it's such a pain in the ass. The conversion is roughly 100mg applied topically = 10ng/dl. Not sure on the half life but applied daily it's supposed to help.

And yes, I know about injections. There was a time I was doing steroid doses via IM injections because the doctors were dicking me around. It was either cream, or "you're too young to need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), let's try...." and all those options failed and ended up costing me $1000+. Steroids = much cheaper than $1000!

But alas, I ran out of money and grew more concerned with legality and the legitimacy of the product so I just stopped. I was on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) from the doc after but 100mg/ml x10ml was $100! I was getting 450mg/ml x10ml for $75! I also ended up with gyno because they didn't do anything to control my estrogen, then didn't know what it was when I complained and told me to come back in three months after a sono said it was nothing. I said "F YOU" and took letro to zap it and just stayed off until I attempted the Torem PCT that destroyed my stomach.

I'll go ahead and use the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as it was prescribed, I figure it can't hurt.

I think I have enough H-drol to run 50mg a day for a few weeks. I'll have to check.

Thanks for the info.

If I recall correctly, you aren't required to take any on cycle support supplements with H-drol right? It's just advised as a precaution?

I can't wait to get my finances straightened out this week. Everything looks good. Once I'm in the clear I gotta get the cash for current labs to send to Chip. That may end up being after my insurance kicks in mid March. *Fingers crossed*
IMO you're right about the support supps.

hdrol isn't that hard on the liver - unless you have a preexisting condition all you should need to do is drink plenty of water. that goes for liver, BP and other stuff - but again thats just my opinion. you'll only be on them for a few weeks and not indefinitely.

good luck with everything. i know its hard when you have to struggle each day to keep going. i've been there but for different reasons - and a lot of the time things just stack up against you.

Keep up what you're doing and keep looking forward - its only gonna get better from here!

(thats how i looked at it at least)
i would still use support supps with any oral. despite how mild it may be. get cyp or enth instead of the cream. it will be 5x better than the cream/gel.
07Lane40 - That's what I recall being pretty common.

Gymrat827 - Yea I understand the concern and how being cautious is better than being reckless especially with how some of these products can destroy a liver in a few days. I would love to get one Enth or Cyp injections but I'm not able to afford it.

Looks like everything is going exactly as it should this week so I should be straight this weekend and then it's just a matter of getting new blood work to send to Chip and forking out another few hundred dollars.

Thanks a lot guys!