Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) results

You guys gotta understand....going on hrt/trt is going to get you the same results that you get from the "cycles" that you are all used to being on. I dont want to cross any lines with the admins of this great site and i know that my place on this site as a sponsor is to promote hrt/trt, but the simple fact of the matter is, without anabolic steroids, there is no hrt/trt. When you become an hrt/trt client you are entering into the legal world of "hormone replacement". Im sure we can all read between the lines. My job is to make sure that those lines dont get blurred and that my clients are all going to get the "medications" that they are allowed to receive under the standards that are set forth by the fda. So hopefully your question has been answered..... You should expect your results to come as quickly with legal hrt/trt as you would if you were to go about obtaining your product through other channels.
It all depends on what you are using for your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). A lotion or Gel will not give you anything too noticeable in the gym but will raise your test levels to normal immidiately.
Stevonov, i have to break you the bad news and i'd like to try and help you to not misspeak on this topic, but wherever you got your info or did your research on any lotion or gel doing anything more that causing utter frustration and even deeper depression... It is dead wrong. If you are luck, at best, a cream or gel may possibly raise your test a minimal amount of points over the course of months. I would never speak down to a fellow member, but just for your own knowledge, you need to understand that the info in your post is 100% incorrect. Gel and lotions are garbage and should be pulled off the market.
It all depends on what you are using for your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). A lotion or Gel will not give you anything too noticeable in the gym but will raise your test levels to normal immidiately.

I've tried the Androgel before... It sucks...period.

I've also heard that the gels dont work well and when they do they dont seem to be effective for long periods of time. Its almost as if your body isnt able to absorb it as efficiently as time goes on.

You also have to worry about the gel rubbing off onto your kids and wife.

Injectable Test gives you more stable blood levels. Gel is in and out quick...

Gel also raises your DHT levels more then injecatable test...If your scalp or prostate are sensitive...not good.
I have not used any gels, but the whole idea of spreading a large amount of goo on me everyday for the rest of my life is not appealing.

Not to mention the brand name's price...rip off artists.

I have heard of compounding pharmacies making custom gels that have %10 test, so essentially they have 10 times the concentration, and only a little dab has to go on the skin. The cost is also waaay cheaper, the pharmacist told me it would be about $40 a month.

Since my wife is sensitive to chemicals in general, I decided to have the shots. it was one of the better decisions I have made.

I think its important to realize that drugs rarely get pulled off the market for being useless, that is how they become over the counter. No one dies from it, and before you know it, a useless, overprice version is available in longs drugs
I feel ya giant. My desire "to have them pulled off the market" comes from my own personal frustration when i had a jackass m.d. Promise me the world from androgel and it literally did nothing. As i've stated before...if you are a female and need a boost in your test levels, as some women do, this is a good route to try before anything else due to the high risk of virilization in women stemming from test injections. If you're a dude and you need help, don't let your m.d.'s fear of the unknown get your hopes up just to drop you down. Doc's prescribe this shit to "cover their own ass" period! Not because they truly have any real working knowledge of just how useless it is and why it does not work. But you are right, as everything else, it will become the next otc wonder drug cause the makers have already milked the cow and now they throw it on the counter to let the rest of the scraps get cleaned up. Its all about money. Sad but true.
I agree chip I had no positive results from it, but when i took the blood test it did raise my levels. Weird right?