Testostorone cyp and dbol cycle advice


New member
Hey guys this will be my second cycle I wanna know what you think n have a few questions.

1-12 weeks test cyp 500mg weekly
1-4 weeks dbol at 20mg a day to start maybe bump to 30mg

Now the questions I have are on the arimidex and clomid. I understand people use clomid as pct. usually for 4 weeks, 2 weeks after there last pin. At 100/100/50/50

But with the arimidex do I run that from start to finish? And at what dosage? I've read and read and no answers are clean cut.

First cycle was injectable test cyp and tren about a year ago. Had amazing results. Yes very stupid for a first cycle but everything turned out good n went from 148lb to 173lbs. Haven't touched the gym since besides recently getting back into it n I sit at 165lb in the mornings. As for body fat percentage, couldn't tell you. I'm not fat at all but I'm not skinny either. I'm 23 and 5'9" as well. Thanks guys
Knowing how to run your AI is a very important part of any cycle. If you don't know then I wouldn't suggest running DBol wbich aromatizes way more than test. That is bloat and tits waiting to happen