Thai girls (ummmmm LADYBOYS) rule

TSG.....I love this girl....her body was genetically engineered to have sex.....the sex with this Thai nymphet is unbelievable.
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don't remember if this has been brought up before, but have you ever brought a ladyboy home by mistake, or do they always let you know first?

They always let u know first u can imagine the problems in the hotel room when the guy finds out his girl is.........A Man??!!!!???

The ladyboys look like gorgeous girls here....they take birth control with progesterone and estrogen to bring out female characteristsics.

The ladyboys r not allowed in the nightclubs bcz it causes too many problems.

I talk to the ladyboys sometimes....they r pretty cool.
hey man deff get one of those girls to right my name on the paper.....i want my old lady too see it...hahahahhaa
i personnaly think the OP, is a pedo or a gay.

so what are you a Gassy, or a Teddy...?