Thanks everyone! Pics inside

address please! LOL, you have a nice collection there. Do you use all that yourself or do you make some for gym friends as well?
That would take me years to use haha, It's for me, my gym partner and a good friend of mine.

run it all at once, well maybe 2 cycles. Youll have some sick results, sides to go with it. Seriously though, what ratio did you use for tren/prop? HAs it crashed or still perfect? I plan on making some kind of mix like this in the future and trying to get more info on dissolving 2 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in one oil.
2 ways to do it. You could double your final concentrations and make separate oils, then mix em together. Say you want tren/prop at 75/100...

make prop @ 200mg/ml
make tren @ 150mg/ml

If you then mix one ml of each, obviously you have 2ml total but only 200mg of prop and 150mg of tren...hence 75/100 in 1ml. Only problem is you need equal amounts of both oils to make this accurate.

A better way is to just do it by weight. If you wanted 100ml of 75/100 TP, then you need 7.5g tren and 10g prop. Mix it all up at once.

NYC, what solvent ratio did you use? Id asssume it would have to be on the high side.
I actually used Dazed's oil/solvent to make 100ml of prop at 200 mg/ml and 100ml of tren at 150mg/ml. Mixed them together, heated and filtered. It came out great, and no crashing yet.
wanna tell me where u live so i can come and steal your safe along with all contents in side...? lol

looking good tho man....hopefully ill have a nice stock myself!
are those 20ml vials. looks like it. if so where's the other 20? i only see nine.

those two powders combined together will hold with 5% ba and 15% bb. add powders, solvent, melt and add oil.

nice work bro, looks good. making my nipples hard.

BTW i am the PB QA dept. (official tester for send me some samples and ill let ya know how good it is.
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pullinbig said:
are those 20ml vials. looks like it. if so where's the other 20? i only see nine.

those two powders combined together will hold with 5% ba and 15% bb. add powders, solvent, melt and add oil.

nice work bro, looks good. making my nipples hard.

BTW i am the PB QA dept. (official tester for send me some samples and ill let ya know how good it is.

:D Good observation about the vials. Each is filled with 22-23 ml's though. 5% BA is painful to me, i hope Dazed's solution doesnt hurt too bad in this case.
pullinbig said:
or you can go 2% ba and 20% bb. pain free. american made cyp is manufactored at this ratio.
I was about to make my cyp at 1/20 after reading something on upjohn cyp, didnt though. Maybe next time.
DougoeFre5h said:
I was about to make my cyp at 1/20 after reading something on upjohn cyp, didnt though. Maybe next time.

Don't use 20% BB.
It'll make you sick..I got a boatload of legal compounded stuff Test and Deca I had to fugging dilute filter and bake to reduce pain and sickness form compounded gear from a "pharm"
Shit sucks. always use the least amount of solvent required generally 1 ml of a mix per gram.
T's supersolvent can be used at .5 ml per gram and dazeds oil can yield 200mg per ml TA and 200 mg per TP from powder.
When you have as much powder laying around as many of us do, you tend to experiment. You might be on of the unlucky ones btw, as I rarely if ever hear people complaining about solvent flu from human grade gear. On that note, its the ba that kills me, not the bb. Throw 1% ba into cyp powder @ 300mg/ml and tell me the %bb you need.

Well, come to think of it I could make 10 batches of cyp and each one be different. One will hold with no ba/bb, one will crash but then hold, 2 more will need 3/8, another might want 5/15+ who knows. The hormone is rediculous, just like a moody bitch. Thats why I cheat on her with enan now.
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DougoeFre5h said:

Well, come to think of it I could make 10 batches of cyp and each one be different. One will hold with no ba/bb, one will crash but then hold, 2 more will need 3/8, another might want 5/15+ who knows. The hormone is rediculous, just like a moody bitch. Thats why I cheat on her with enan now.

Seriously, Cyp is some damn finicky stuff to work with. I use enan also only now, and it went beautifully into solution with grapeseed oil only the other day, i have no doubts that it will hold just fine. Enanthate is almost as easy to work with as EQ.
here's a hint for you guys doing all the cyp you make. dont use any solvent. sometimes it holds and sometimes it dont but if it locks up a little heat on the hot plate puts it right back in solution. takes an exta 2 minutes. if you making 500mg/ml cyp the less solvent you got the less its gonns hurt. i dont mind heating at all.
ld50 said:
nice stash. it looks more special in a safe, compared to my cardboard box.

Thanks :D . I used to use a cardboard box, but it started to fall apart, and anyone can get into it. This is much safer, and pretty of course.
