The ULTIMATE Lean Mass Stack is a combination of AndroHard by Primordial Performance and ALPHA-T2 by Performance Enhancing Supplements. This stack is perfect for those wanting to LEAN BULK, CUT, or RECOMP. It can be taken for up to 8 weeks straight without cycling off. Reach all of your goals this summer with this stack!
AndroHard is a natural hormone, a natural steroid and a natural androgen. It will increase muscle mass and sex drive while countering estrogenic effects such as gyno (breast growth), body fat storage, and water retention. This means that you will build a STRONG and HARD muscular physique without ANY BLOATING OR SOFT LOOK. Just pure rock hard muscle. Best of all, AndroHard will provide these amazing benefits without any estrogen related side effects, liver or cholesterol damage, or lethargy!
As you might guess, because AndroHard has the ability to increase lean muscle mass and hardness along with decreasing body fat storage normally caused from estrogen converting compounds, it makes a PERFECT candidate to stack with the most versatile fat burner on the market, ALPHA-T2.
ALPHA-T2 is perfect for this stack because of its multiple pathways of burning fat, while being MUSCLE PRESERVING. Burn all of your fat off without losing an ounce of muscle! ALPHA-T2 is a Targeted Fat Destroying product that will upregulates the thyroid glad and kick your metabolism into action! It's not JUST a thyroid boosting supplement -- its much more!
It also contains methyl-synephrine, a compound similar in effects as ephedrine. Ephedrine can have severe cardiac side effects, but methyl-synephrine will not give these unwanted side effects while still providing amazing fat loss benefits like ephedrine. Also in ALPHA-T2 is Rauwolscine HCl, aka Alpha-Yohimbine. This is the most superior form of yohimbine available, with greatly reduced side effects. It targets A2 receptors. Since these receptors are found primarily in the stomach, belly fat, love handles, chest, and lower back, taking this supplement can actually TARGET fat loss on those areas.
It’s no wonder these two products make the perfect stack.
+This stack can be used for up to 8 weeks straight. Continue dosing of week 4.
The ULTIMATE Lean Mass Stack is a combination of AndroHard by Primordial Performance and ALPHA-T2 by Performance Enhancing Supplements. This stack is perfect for those wanting to LEAN BULK, CUT, or RECOMP. It can be taken for up to 8 weeks straight without cycling off. Reach all of your goals this summer with this stack!
AndroHard is a natural hormone, a natural steroid and a natural androgen. It will increase muscle mass and sex drive while countering estrogenic effects such as gyno (breast growth), body fat storage, and water retention. This means that you will build a STRONG and HARD muscular physique without ANY BLOATING OR SOFT LOOK. Just pure rock hard muscle. Best of all, AndroHard will provide these amazing benefits without any estrogen related side effects, liver or cholesterol damage, or lethargy!
As you might guess, because AndroHard has the ability to increase lean muscle mass and hardness along with decreasing body fat storage normally caused from estrogen converting compounds, it makes a PERFECT candidate to stack with the most versatile fat burner on the market, ALPHA-T2.
ALPHA-T2 is perfect for this stack because of its multiple pathways of burning fat, while being MUSCLE PRESERVING. Burn all of your fat off without losing an ounce of muscle! ALPHA-T2 is a Targeted Fat Destroying product that will upregulates the thyroid glad and kick your metabolism into action! It's not JUST a thyroid boosting supplement -- its much more!
It also contains methyl-synephrine, a compound similar in effects as ephedrine. Ephedrine can have severe cardiac side effects, but methyl-synephrine will not give these unwanted side effects while still providing amazing fat loss benefits like ephedrine. Also in ALPHA-T2 is Rauwolscine HCl, aka Alpha-Yohimbine. This is the most superior form of yohimbine available, with greatly reduced side effects. It targets A2 receptors. Since these receptors are found primarily in the stomach, belly fat, love handles, chest, and lower back, taking this supplement can actually TARGET fat loss on those areas.
It’s no wonder these two products make the perfect stack.
+This stack can be used for up to 8 weeks straight. Continue dosing of week 4.
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