Old School
take 50 a day for a week. Kicks in in couple days.
Desiccated Liver Tablets!
Vince had many students gain an inch on their arms within 30 days simply by taking 3 to 5 liver tablets every hour. This insures a positive nitrogen balance without excess carbohydrates and calories.
Stories from some of the old timers telling of phenomenal gains being made on 100 plus liver tablets a day are very common.
Why does it work so well?
According to Vince, desiccated liver contains nucleic acids for proper amino-acid utilization, a growth factor and an anti-estrogen factor, which keeps testosterone levels high, and it is also a great anti-toxin.
A Classic Research Study on Desiccated Liver
In a classic experiment, Dr. B. H. Ershoff demonstrated that liver extract was able to boost strength, endurance, performance, and resistance to stress and disease. In a nutshell here's how this occurred:
Dr. Ershoff took three groups of rats and fed them controlled diets for a twelve week period. Group one ate a basic diet fortified with vitamins and minerals. Group two ate as much as they wanted of the same diet plus B vitamins and brewer's yeast. Group three ate the basic diet but had 10% desiccated liver added to their rations.
Then the doctor placed the rats one by one into a drum of water of which they could not climb out. It was either sink or swim... literally!
The group one rats swam an average of 13.2 minutes before they all drowned. Group two, an average of 13.4 minutes. Group three, however, was still swimming at the end of two hours, at which time the experiment was concluded.
The rats that had the desiccated liver added to their diets swam almost 10 times as long as the other two groups! As far as I know, no other supplement has even come close to liver in improving endurance.
Desiccated liver flat out works!
So take old Vince Gironda's advice and try adding desiccated liver to your supplement program. The addition of only 8 to 10 desiccated liver tablets per meal for five meals per day can make a tremendous difference in your condition. This simple-but-effective supplement program will add approximately 65 grams of the highest quality protein to your daily intake.