The best thing for liver protection


Glutathione!!! But if you get capsules it won't do shit do to an ezyme that destroys it before it can be absorbed.

2 ways:(they've came out also with a transdermal - don't know why. And a neurbulizer for inhaling. REAd and learn. You guys got google. so do a search.
I put up a name but i don't want to be blown shit for advertising. And I would get extremely pissed off for that accusation since I just want to pass on the news to help.

The best: I.V. glutathione (can't be beat!!!!!
liposomal glutathione(for oral use).

Do a search on glutathione and find out about it. The stuff has been like a miracle for me!!! Do not waste a dime on any other oral glutathione. They don't do jack shit!!!! BTW I get the IV glutathione*gsh* and take the oral liposomal in between. You guys that try this will find that, if you drink alcohol(and you shouldn't anyhow if your into BBing) will not have the poisoned feeling even from an absurd amount(hey I had to do a couple of studies do prove this. And normally I feel like I am dying even from small amounts of alcohol.

Last word is: We should be concerned about our liver health. But kidney health I think should top that. Since I have searched and asked doctors....studied everything I could, and found nothing to repair the kidneys.
They don't rebiuld like the liver can.