the best weight gainer


I know most are all sugars but whats the best out there that u dont have to use damn near 10 cups per shake to get the cals?
i think cytogainer by cytoasport is the best weight gainer out there. it not loaded with sugar or buckets of fats . it has complex carbs only and 54 g of protein without milk per serving. the cheapest i have seen do far is at either or btw whats ur stats and goals
Im 238 started bulking the other day u can see my diet and cycle in the anabolic forum and my workout in the training forum, would like to hit 260 again Ill post pics when I can figure how to block my face
DaddyD said:
Im 238 started bulking the other day u can see my diet and cycle in the anabolic forum and my workout in the training forum, would like to hit 260 again Ill post pics when I can figure how to block my face
whats ur height, bf, age
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megadose said:
i think cytogainer by cytoasport is the best weight gainer out there. it not loaded with sugar or buckets of fats . it has complex carbs only and 54 g of protein without milk per serving. the cheapest i have seen do far is at either or btw whats ur stats and goals
i second the cytogainer. the best as far as ready made gainers. has the best deal that i've found for supps like this. 900+ cals per serving with milk! no fat to speak of. and the taste is the best hands down.
Remember if a weight gainer or protein powder does not taste good you probably will not consume enough of it, so find one you like the taste. Some powders are disgusting and some are quite good.
I make my own weight gainer with whey protein, oats, oat germ and powder skim milk.
All weight gainers I can get here in Argentina have too much sugar (dextrose, maltodextrin) and I try not to eat sugar unless for pwo.
In my experience its just not the cals to bump up its the protien too. I upped my calls a while back to 7k a day and saw not a got damn thing but more energy during my work outs. It was when the good ol jonnyb told me to up my protien another 50g a day and pow my body started to change i'm currently keeping steady at 400g a day I never realized how easy it can be. 3 shakes at 60gs 180g then the rest is through chicken, tuna and cottege cheese. I'm going to try to hit 500g a day here in about a month once I start training even harder.
truck said:
In my experience its just not the cals to bump up its the protien too. I upped my calls a while back to 7k a day and saw not a got damn thing but more energy during my work outs. It was when the good ol jonnyb told me to up my protien another 50g a day and pow my body started to change i'm currently keeping steady at 400g a day I never realized how easy it can be. 3 shakes at 60gs 180g then the rest is through chicken, tuna and cottege cheese. I'm going to try to hit 500g a day here in about a month once I start training even harder.
500 g thats a lot protein
I know, its a goal not a exact number, I'm a big boy though and i have a stomach of iron. Plus the routine i'm going to be hitting hear soon is going to kick my ass, I'll need every extra bit of help i can get. I've always benifited more from higher protien intake than anything else i'm at about 400 a day now after I upped it from 300 and I gained 20lbs and my bf is pretty decent I still need to get it tested but I'm sure its 15% or lower. My diet is pristien through the week nothing but skim milk, chicken, tuna, protien shake with no carbs, cottage cheese, some veggies and fruit. Then on sat and sunday its a free for all, sunday for dinner i ate 4double cheseburgers 2spicy mcchickens, 2 apple pies, and a large chocolate make from mackers. This is what works for me so this is what I do. My goal for mid august is 265-270 10%bf or lower.
Remember I'm just saying what works for me this isn't a scientific fact. I have a very fast metabilism for someone my size and it has taken me a long time to get this far. Diet for me has been hit and miss for what works in the past I finally found what works for me.

It also finally took me giving up drinking too. Once I quit drinking the my weight has been going up. Now i'm able to spend more time and money on my eating habbits instead of my old drinking habbits.
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DaddyD said:
238 going back to 260 u can see my diet and cycle in the ana forum started at 5000 cals and each week gonna go up 500cals
oh ok i didnt even think about you maybe being on a cycle, that would explain it.
Suareezay said:
if i see that fuckin shake one more time...

as for eating...its really not that hard.

lets say you eat 5 meals a day.

Breakfast when you wake up, and dinner right before you go to bed are pretty easy. im sure you eat lunch everyday. Thats 3 meals down.

It wouldnt be too hard to squeeze in 1 more meal and and 1 shake in there.

5 isnt the magic number either, you could eat 4.

for you
16 oz whole milk
2 raw lrg eggs
1/2 cup egg beaters
2 tbls hvy whipping cream
1 tbls safflower oil
1 tbs wheat germ
1 tbls honey
i med/lrg banana
blend for a brief moment..let the wheat germ settle
then i add
1 scoop ON casien protien powder
1 scoop egg protien powder
taste great and filling...right around 80-90 g pro, approx 77 carbs, and lil over 50 g fat..this is def a wieght gainer..take down all at once or split it up