whats ur height, bf, ageDaddyD said:Im 238 started bulking the other day u can see my diet and cycle in the anabolic forum and my workout in the training forum, would like to hit 260 again Ill post pics when I can figure how to block my face
i second the cytogainer. the best as far as ready made gainers. advantagesupplements.com has the best deal that i've found for supps like this. 900+ cals per serving with milk! no fat to speak of. and the taste is the best hands down.megadose said:i think cytogainer by cytoasport is the best weight gainer out there. it not loaded with sugar or buckets of fats . it has complex carbs only and 54 g of protein without milk per serving. the cheapest i have seen do far is at either discountanabolics.com or massnutrition.com. btw whats ur stats and goals
to expensive for meRRAdam said:I just eat more food.
jesus how much do you weigh?DaddyD said:6500-7000 cal is hard in whole food
Suareezay said:jesus how much do you weigh?
500 g thats a lot proteintruck said:In my experience its just not the cals to bump up its the protien too. I upped my calls a while back to 7k a day and saw not a got damn thing but more energy during my work outs. It was when the good ol jonnyb told me to up my protien another 50g a day and pow my body started to change i'm currently keeping steady at 400g a day I never realized how easy it can be. 3 shakes at 60gs 180g then the rest is through chicken, tuna and cottege cheese. I'm going to try to hit 500g a day here in about a month once I start training even harder.
oh ok i didnt even think about you maybe being on a cycle, that would explain it.DaddyD said:238 going back to 260 u can see my diet and cycle in the ana forum started at 5000 cals and each week gonna go up 500cals
Suareezay said:if i see that fuckin shake one more time...
as for eating...its really not that hard.
lets say you eat 5 meals a day.
Breakfast when you wake up, and dinner right before you go to bed are pretty easy. im sure you eat lunch everyday. Thats 3 meals down.
It wouldnt be too hard to squeeze in 1 more meal and and 1 shake in there.
5 isnt the magic number either, you could eat 4.