The DEA Is Placing Kratom And Mitragynine On Schedule I


New member
What a shitty move! Kratom will become illegal in the US on Sept 30. The DEA considers it as dangerous as Heroin. Yes, this is based on fear and not actual medical science.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency has filed a notice of intent (PDF) to place the southeast Asian plant called kratom to the most restrictive classification of the Controlled Substances Act. The plant, Mitragyna speciosa, and its two primary constituents, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, will be temporarily placed onto Schedule I on September 30, according to a filing by the DEA at 8:45 am Eastern time today, August 30. The full announcement is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register tomorrow, August 31.
...them sum bitches always s had the best shit too...

Truth be told the headline should read-
The DEA following a recommendation from the FDA is scheduling Kratum as a Sched 1 narcotic due to pressure from the Rx lobbies actuaries who have discovered it could potentially s cost them x billions in drug sales to include but not limited to SSRI S, BENZO S, AMBIEN, PAIN meds, Sub Oxone to get off pain med s...

Bribery just criminalized another segment of our population. You all realize we have more inmates per capita than any other country in the world ? GOOD money locking a brother down for a dub in the ash tray.
I've never tried kratom as I'm leery with anything that has a similar profile to opiods as I have a history with the stuff, but it's a known fact:

If it WORKS and doesn't require a prescription, it WILL be banned/controlled.

The FDA banned red yeast rice in the US because it infringes on a patent held by big pharma. RYR apparently contains, and is often used in the manufacture of statin drugs. I'm betting that once the patent expires, the ban on RYR will be lifted - as well as a new "discovery" that hey! Cholesterol isn't the boogeyman we've been told it is. ;)

This is no different - called by Teutonic above. :)
As a note, RUI has a 50% off sale on Kratom right now. Good time to stock up.

My wife is saddened they are banning this stuff. I have social anxiety issues, but when I take Kratom they go away and I am a wonderful, funny, witty, happy person that everyone loves to be around. Yeah, I know you all are thinking "that is impossible", but seriously, it is true. :)
Being on felony assault paper I wonder if the few ounces I have are to be grandfathered in or PO s as thick as he is THICK so I doubt that ll filter down to the Deepest part of the southern USA.

I don t consider anything south of Gainesville part of N America...comprende Amigo s ?
Yeah, I know you can no longer sell it after the 30 days so everyone's going to need to unload their stock but I wonder about keeping it as a consumer.
I don't smoke anything...haven't for years. But wouldn't it be fun to smoke the peace pipe with Tuetonic and listen to a few stories all afternoon in the backyard. He reminds me of an old vet of several wars. I'd bet he could talk for days and not tell the same story twice.
A SCHEDULE 1...good question...wish I had a few quarts of Laudnum to sell some of these cough syrup junkie s so they d be fertilizer. My answer to the meth problem too-make it free. And drop off cases of ammo in the hood. That will fix it self...their offin themselves in unreal numbers down here in NOLA and Jackson. They call it tragic; I call it future crime prevention by selective birth control.
I don't smoke anything...haven't for years. But wouldn't it be fun to smoke the peace pipe with Tuetonic and listen to a few stories all afternoon in the backyard. He reminds me of an old vet of several wars. I'd bet he could talk for days and not tell the same story twice.
I'll bring a case of John Daniels to hear those stories too :40oz:
Being on felony assault paper I wonder if the few ounces I have are to be grandfathered in or PO s as thick as he is THICK so I doubt that ll filter down to the Deepest part of the southern USA.

I don t consider anything south of Gainesville part of N America...comprende Amigo s ?

Si Señor!
This is interesting...Kratom is sort of like medicine.A teaspoon here and there might solve aches and pain before a workout.
This is a perfect case of big brother dictating what's best for us. I hope to God we all wake up and start putting more pressure on these assholes. We DO NOT NEED people to rule over us!

This is a shame. I had plans to try kratom for contest prep help. I turn into a hangry asshole, and this was something I was looking into.
As a note, RUI has a 50% off sale on Kratom right now. Good time to stock up.

My wife is saddened they are banning this stuff. I have social anxiety issues, but when I take Kratom they go away and I am a wonderful, funny, witty, happy person that everyone loves to be around. Yeah, I know you all are thinking "that is impossible", but seriously, it is true. :)

I always tell people to use it with respect and caution, but I always tell people its a GREAT tool for many conditions/issues and I am also pretty pissed off about this law being put in with no talk from the people!!!
Yes I am Canadian but I have friends in the US that use Kratom and for some its been a live saver and life changing compound.
The FDA/DEA needs to be toppled and re done under OPEN VIEW with LAWS forcing it to and lobbying BS brought to light!! well FDA redone... and DEA disbanded IMO!

yeah if anyone in USA uses this or has yet to for pain their conditions to avoid toxic pain pills etc. I would jump on it now, specially at 50% off.
I still have like 3 pounds of it stored away but im low on one strin so might jump of the sale myself.

Im soo pissed off they have pushed this through... to me this is what the F is illegal!
I always tell people to use it with respect and caution, but I always tell people its a GREAT tool for many conditions/issues and I am also pretty pissed off about this law being put in with no talk from the people!!!
Yes I am Canadian but I have friends in the US that use Kratom and for some its been a live saver and life changing compound.
The FDA/DEA needs to be toppled and re done under OPEN VIEW with LAWS forcing it to and lobbying BS brought to light!! well FDA redone... and DEA disbanded IMO!

yeah if anyone in USA uses this or has yet to for pain their conditions to avoid toxic pain pills etc. I would jump on it now, specially at 50% off.
I still have like 3 pounds of it stored away but im low on one strin so might jump of the sale myself.

Im soo pissed off they have pushed this through... to me this is what the F is illegal!

Really well put on all fronts juced. I mean you have a good, level headed view of kratom. It needs to be respected and in many ways I cannot help but think once again the irresponsible supplement industry has put its own foot in its mouth. By marketing kratom as a totally safe, no adverse effects, wonder powder, they have shot themselves in the damn foot. That by no means justifies what the dea has done here. It is absolutely ridiculous that this is in the same category as cocaine and heroin, i mean lets be for real. Someone on another forum put it in perspective: There have been more serious medical incidents involving laundry detergent than kratom in the last year. Maybe tide should be schedule 1!
Maybe the corrections industry doesn't have enough business. They need more bodies. The thing is that the American public allows it mostly through misinformation. We have the highest incarceration rate in the world, and the majority of prisoners are none violent offenders imprisoned on drug charges. That should raise some red flags.

Don't get me started :)
I just bought a whole bunch of the capsule versions. I wish I didn't despise the taste of tea so strongly because I could save a lot of money by getting it in the powder form. But I found I just won't use it in that form because I despise the taste of tea so much and Kratom as a tea taste to it.

If there is another sale right before it goes illegal my wife is already said I can buy a bunch more then as well. I just couldn't afford to buy more in one shot.

Hint, hint...