The most underrated hormone


New member
Most guys 13-27 already have an abundance of hormone for building muscle. Proper diet, being on time with meals and sleep will have people singing the famous "he's on STEROIDS" song.

I heard the crybaby fucks all my life.

Anyways, here is some proof of NATTY results. I read the book and then lived it: Dr. Franco Columbu's Body Building Basics.

You'll add size and strength going NAT, hitting your genetic potential.

Me at 20 (4 years of weights and food)

Another pic at 26 after I finished growing and working out and busting my ass in construction.
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Yeah, my parents had the "Are you on steroids?" talk with me when I was 24. I was 140# at age 23 and at age 24 I was 190#. All I did was eat and add creatine to my diet. My metabolism was so fast at that age but I was pretty lucky since I owned a pizzeria at the time and ate pizza, pasta, and subs all day long.