The NEW Beastdrol v3 logging opportunity!!!


Beast ***e!!!
NEW Beastdrol v3 Logging Opportunity!!!



Muscle Research has brought back a NEW version of Beastdrol that has been reformulated...



...and we are looking for some members to run comprehensive logs!!! If you are interested in doing so, please submit your application in this thread with the following information...




Body Fat %:

Training History (e.g. how long):

Training Style (e.g. what type of workouts/split do you currently follow):

Have you previously used Beastdrol in the past:

Will you be on cycle:

Previous logging experience? Links:

Ability to update at least 4 times a week:

Ability to provide a comprehensive final review:

Ability to copy/paste log entries onto another/other forum(s) if required to do so:

Ability to provide before and after photos:

Ability to provide before and after blood work:

We will be accepting applications until March 31, 2015 (12 PM CST). Incomplete applications will be rejected!!!

Thank you from the Muscle Research Team!!!
I cant wait to see what this version of the awesome Beastdrol brand can do, the others were so highly popular and effective. Im sure this will be a winner too
Looking forward to seeing the applications for this! Should be some nice lean gains in the future of some members!


Weight: 180

Body Fat %: 14-15

Training History (e.g. how long): 4 years

Training Style (e.g. what type of workouts/split do you currently follow): kris gethins 12 week

Have you previously used Beastdrol in the past:

Will you be on cycle: i just got off a cycle and will be going on a pct in 2 weeks

Previous logging experience? Links: nope

Ability to update at least 4 times a week: yes

Ability to provide a comprehensive final review: yes

Ability to copy/paste log entries onto another/other forum(s) if required to do so:yes

Ability to provide before and after photos:yes

Ability to provide before and after blood work:yes


Weight: 180

Body Fat %: 14-15

Training History (e.g. how long): 4 years

Training Style (e.g. what type of workouts/split do you currently follow): kris gethins 12 week

Have you previously used Beastdrol in the past:

Will you be on cycle: i just got off a cycle and will be going on a pct in 2 weeks

Previous logging experience? Links: nope

Ability to update at least 4 times a week: yes

Ability to provide a comprehensive final review: yes

Ability to copy/paste log entries onto another/other forum(s) if required to do so:yes

Ability to provide before and after photos:yes

Ability to provide before and after blood work:yes

I know we never posted official selections in this thread, but MuscleAddiction got your shipping info and had this sent out on April 20th, I believe was the date. Didn't see a log link, so wanted to check in.


Weight: 180

Body Fat %: 14-15

Training History (e.g. how long): 4 years

Training Style (e.g. what type of workouts/split do you currently follow): kris gethins 12 week

Have you previously used Beastdrol in the past:

Will you be on cycle: i just got off a cycle and will be going on a pct in 2 weeks

Previous logging experience? Links: nope

Ability to update at least 4 times a week: yes

Ability to provide a comprehensive final review: yes

Ability to copy/paste log entries onto another/other forum(s) if required to do so:yes

Ability to provide before and after photos:yes

Ability to provide before and after blood work:yes
what ever happened with this ^ log?
i just got off a test cycle so I'm just giving my body sometime before i jump on something to shut my nat test down. soon ill be taking it :)