This thread is for information and to get out there what your favorite part of using aas is. or why you decided to start cycling and what your goals were when you started compared to now. I'm trying to see from more experience vets and everyone what changes from their first cycle to their current goals. ill start... with for me the first cycle was simple i had a goal and had reached a point of plateaus that i couldn't seem to overcome. so i made the plunge into the world of aas. First cycle of course was test only, saw great results my goal from the cycle was to bulk and get bigger like most people who decide to start aas. comparing this to now when i cycle my goals are much more specific and calculated to what i want to abstain from a single cycle while still have long term goals. instead of just general getting bigger and stronger. it is gain 10 lbs while trying to maintain similar bf% and add 5-10% increase in weight on main lifts. then long term is to reach a goal weight of 250lbs and continue to grow stronger would be more specific on maxes to reach but haven't completely decided what is realistic that i should shoot for. i think that about sums up my goals. to continue, i use aas because of the ability it gives me to reach my goals. also because of how i am able to look and feel of course. it is a great feeling having women look at you and admire what they see. and being the strongest mf in the gym. its the alpha male feeling. that covers what i wanted to say now just looking for other peoples opinions on how goals change through their cycling history and why they decided to start and what they like the most.