They way to use IGF-1 Long R3?!


Allmost Good Looking
well, it happened again!

i want to try IGF-1 Long R3 and have asked the people i know have tried it about use and doses.
I have allso read about it here and other places online with the following results: i am now more confused than ever! :S

a lot of the things i read differs, but after seeing the results on the people at the gym, im thinking about using it like this:

i plan on using EL RAMOZ IGF-1:

Monday: Back - I inject 50mcg in each biceps.

Wednesday: Chest/Biceps - I inject 50mcg in each pec.

Friday: Delts/Triceps - first week i inject 50mcg in each delt, the next week in each triceps, then delt again....

saturday: legs - I inject 50mcg in each quad

this is the way guys at my gym use El ramoz igf-1 and they look big at get leaner too. my friends biceps grew 0.6 inches in 10 days (measured pumped and he only used IGF).

Anyway i would like to hear from people who have tried IGF-1 LONG R3.
How did you use it? did it live up to the expectations?

Thx in advance

Green888 :)
Article by Dave Palumbo concerning IGF-LR3

(1)-STORAGE OF IGF-1(prior to mixing)
lyophilized (dry) IGF-1is stable at room temperture for three weeks;however,it should be stored below -18 degrees celsius (in the freezer section).

1 milligram (mg) IGF-1 = 1,000 mcg (micrograms) IGF-1 (dry weight- before mixing).

when reconstituting,its important to remember IGF-1 can get "stuck" in the grooves of the glass bottle it comes packaged in. while glass appears smooth to the naked eye, under a microscope, it's a convoluted landscape of grooves and hidden recesses.
By mixing the lyophilized IGF-1 with an "acid water" (e.g., 10mM HCL -very dilute hydochloric acid), the IGF-1 molecules are efficiently detached from the glass and solubilized in the mixture. Any online "compounding" laboratory could mix up a 10mM HCL solution. likewise, any intro chemistry student should be able to do the same.
If a reliable source of "acid water" can't be located, mix your IGF-1 powder with BACTERIOSTATIC WATER - you'll lose, at worst, 10 percent of the IGF-1 solution.

For the purposes of mathematical ease, I suggest mixing the dry 1 milligram (1,000 microgram) IGF-1 with 3ml (or 3cc) of the "acid water" mixture.

Next,using a 1cc insulin syringe,draw out 1cc out of the bottle containing the 3cc acid water/IGF-1 mixture.In a seperate 1cc insulin syringe,draw up another 1cc of the solution.Freeze these two loaded insulin syringes.They will be utilized at a later date.

NOTE:Freezing can safely and effectively preserve IGF-1(even after its been mixed)

To the remaining 1cc of IGF-1 thats left in the glass bottle,add 2cc of bacteriostatic water.This will return the total volume back up to 3cc.

(A)The original concentration of the IGF-1 solution was 1mg(1000 micrograms)
IGF-1 in 3cc of water.

(B)Each 1cc that was removed,then,contained approximately 333 micrograms IGF-1 per 1cc.

1,000 micrograms/3cc = 333 micrograms per 1cc

©The 1cc that was left in the bottle,then,also contains 333 micrograms of IGF-1.

(D)Next,we added 2cc of bacteriostatic water to the bottle and brought the volume back up to 3cc.The difference is we now have 333 micrograms in 3cc of water (instead of in 1cc)

(E)To determine how much IGF-1 is in 1cc,you must divide by three.

333 micrograms/3cc=111 micrograms per 1cc

(F)To determine how much IGF-1 is in .10cc (or 1/10thcc) we do the following.

111 micrograms/10=11micrograms per .10cc

Dosages in the range of 10 to 20 micrograms per day(taken 10 to 15 minuters after training) are quite effective for building and repairing muscle tissue.
More importantly,these moderate dosages (by some peoples estimation)
stimulate muscle growth yet escape rapid "downregulation" of the all important IGF-1 receptors.
Without receptors to recognize the IGF-1,it doesnt matter how much you inject.
NOTHING will happen.
As dosages climb to over 50 micrograms per day,receptor downgrade increases exponentially and,from what I've observed among bodybuilders,muscle gains come to a screeching hault.

Bodybuilders will have the most sucess with IGF-1 if they follow the protocol I outlined below. REMEMBER, more isn't always better.

11 micrograms per day for 30 days (cycle 1) 333 micrograms

2 weeks OFF

11 micrograms per day for 30 days (cycle 2)** 333 micrograms

2 weeks OFF

11 micrograms per day for 30 days (cycle 3)** 333 micrograms

8 weeks OFF

** The second and third cycles of IGF-1 treatment require that the two Frozen 1cc insulin syringes be defrosted(only defrost one per cycle).
Next,inject the defrosted solution into an empty bottle.
Further dilute with 2cc bacteriostatic water. When adding the 2cc of water,use the syringe that originally held the frozen IGF-1.
This also helps to wash the syringe and ensure that no IGF-1 is stuck inside of it.
If 11 mcgs per day is really the shit why do so many people who try 20-40 feel nothing? Can they really be frying their receptors that fast?
the confusion gets bigger :D

11mcg per day seems like nothing at all, still an interesting post.
i will have to research this further.
LiftTillIDie said:
If 11 mcgs per day is really the shit why do so many people who try 20-40 feel nothing? Can they really be frying their receptors that fast?
It would seem to be a logical reason why the higher doses don't work for most guys. If I do try IGF-LR3 I'll be using Palumbo's protocol. At the very worst I'll only be out a bit over $100.00 for about a six month cycle.
Deepglute said:
It would seem to be a logical reason why the higher doses don't work for most guys. If I do try IGF-LR3 I'll be using Palumbo's protocol. At the very worst I'll only be out a bit over $100.00 for about a six month cycle.

But that wouldn't explain why some have seen no results from 40mcg but great results from 80 mcg. I agree this way is definitely cheaper, so obviously I'm hoping it pans out, but right now it doesn't make a whole lot of sense given the posts I've read from those who actually use it.
LiftTillIDie said:
But that wouldn't explain why some have seen no results from 40mcg but great results from 80 mcg. I agree this way is definitely cheaper, so obviously I'm hoping it pans out, but right now it doesn't make a whole lot of sense given the posts I've read from those who actually use it.
OutlawMuscle has an HGH - IGF forum, and as Green888 points out, the more one reads up on IGF the more confusing it gets.
Green888 said:

i plan on using EL RAMOZ IGF-1:

Monday: Back - I inject 50mcg in each biceps.

Wednesday: Chest/Biceps - I inject 50mcg in each pec.

I hope you mean 25mcg in each and not 50.
Ive ran 40mcg pwo and noticed nothing.. I bumped it up to 80mcg pwo and gained 5 lbs in post cycle therapy (pct). Right now i am running 100mcg/ED , i take it in the am on non training days, and i take it pwo in the muscles trained. Love this stuff.
Yea if i was you Id wait longer to try it... i dont think this stuff has been out long enough for their to be any experts on it... people are still confused and that scares me, so if i was you id wait till theirs research on it, orr just wait a year or so and keep reading.
yea that photo of the igf you posted looks really janky and not something i would want to inject, plus everyone says el ramoz stuff sucks.
DougoeFre5h said:
80mcg here, got a buddy who doing 120mcg. I havent heard much good about el ramoz IGF but its up to you.

is the 80mcg working for you?
How do you use it? (inject time/inject place/freq)

can anyone confirm that IGF got a local effect?, i mean the muscle you inject it in gets the best pump/grows the most!?
because that seems to be what some people in my gym believes?


Green888 :)
DougoeFre5h said:
80mcg here, got a buddy who doing 120mcg. I havent heard much good about el ramoz IGF but its up to you.

rookie03 said:
yea that photo of the igf you posted looks really janky and not something i would want to inject, plus everyone says el ramoz stuff sucks.

EL RAMOZ IGF-1 LONG R3 is the only IGF i have seen on the black market where i live (scandinavia).

anyway, what brand of IGF do you guys reccommend?
FYI - We arent going to talk sources here so dont ask. Just look for something that comes as lyphilized powder so you can reconstitute it yourself.
DougoeFre5h said:
FYI - We arent going to talk sources here so dont ask. Just look for something that comes as lyphilized powder so you can reconstitute it yourself.

sources NO - but brands is ok i believe?

would you share your progress on IGF with me/us plz?