think i might have a abscess!!


New member
i went to inject on sunday and when i aspirated i got a bit of blood but it was in almost like a white fluid. the site isn't red or swollen and doesn't really hurt its just a bit tight but it gets like that after every injection. any ideas if that is a infection ?
chances are you have an infection. check your gear, and more importantly, check your process on how you pin, what steps do you follow, where could the source of infection come from.
i am extremely sanitary when i pin. so I'm quite sure it wouldn't be that. even though theres no redness fever or swelling it could still be an infection ?
If your gear is junk, then it doesn't matter how clean u are when injecting. Shitty gear can cause an infection. Not saying u have shitty gear, just throwing it out there.
well...something is not adding up....if your procedure is sanitary, and the gear is good, you could be looking at either a sterile abscess, or you are drawing out a bit of fat. Google "white fluid aspiration".