thinking of buying pre made meals online for bulk


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anyone heard of fuel foods? they deliver to canada. if i choose 5 meals a day it would be like 300 per week $cad. is that alot lol? and would it be worth it? im thinking these will not cut it for 4400 cal bulk.

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Just hire cook it will be cheaper and you will eat better.
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You are going to spend more at any place like that as opposed to prepping your own meals. If you are smart you can get a weeks worth of food for 100CAD....150 if you want some extra stuff to mix things up and have the food not get boring. I wouldn't spend 300 a week on food that's ridiculous.
You are going to spend more at any place like that as opposed to prepping your own meals. If you are smart you can get a weeks worth of food for 100CAD....150 if you want some extra stuff to mix things up and have the food not get boring. I wouldn't spend 300 a week on food that's ridiculous.

so i guess for 4400 cals this wouldnt cut it. considering these are low cal meals anyway
You are going to spend more at any place like that as opposed to prepping your own meals. If you are smart you can get a weeks worth of food for 100CAD....150 if you want some extra stuff to mix things up and have the food not get boring. I wouldn't spend 300 a week on food that's ridiculous.

exactly what I was going to say. 100-150 week .

OP. what I do is when i cook (and i do daily, im the cook in the house lol) is I cook alot extra. enough to last a couple days of left overs, this way every time i cook i have extra and it overlaps leftovers with the time i cooked before and this way you always have atleast a couple meals going i the fridge. less work to do bigger meals and make sure you have left overs for a couple days (or only a day if its pizza night hahaha : P )
lol i swear my mom always told me (or brainwashed me) from a young age that a man who knows to cook is a total keeper. she was right.

so because of that i actually enjoy cooking my own meals. how hard is it to set aside a few hours on a sunday to buy the foods you need for the week, cook it how you like it, prepare it how you need it according to your diet, according how frequently your body tells you to eat.. and best of all not have to rely on a fucking delivery service. they always somehow fuck your shit up too.

if you are extremely lazy or your legit dont have the time.. and if you can actually afford it then all power to you. i personally dont like the idea.

but hey thats just my 2 cents. do whatever the fuck you want sugarpie honeybuns
if you run a very busy lifestyle and can afford it its a great thing..

if not, cooking for yourself is best economically
We bake and cook most of our meals in the weekend and then bag and tag it and its way tastier and cheaper.