Third week into my Test 500/ Deca 300/ super drol cycle


New member
I'm currently on my third week of Test 500 and Deca 300 and Super Drol. This is my Forth cycle. I've never had a problem sleeping before on any cycle. This last week I have had a hell of a time going to sleep. The weird thing is that I'm not tired. I could sleep 3 hours then go to the gym and work and be fine. I know the importance of sleep so I was wondering what you guys thought?
Are you taking an AI and staying on top of it ? a spike in estrogen can cause anxiety and sleeping issues
Yes I am taking a AI and I'm very cautious about it. I feel great besides not being tired. Everything else is going according to plan. It surprises me because usually when I'm running test. I sleep like the dead.
High RBC , hematocrit , could be another possibility if the sleeping issue is because of not being able to get comfortable .. For me when it's high I develop claustrophobia and can never get comfy and know it's time to donate blood (I have no clue what the connection is though)
Are you taking any pre-workouts? I had the same problem while i was on gear and taking pre-workouts too...when i stopped taking them everything was ok.

Hematocrit won't influence sleep, in any ways. It's either hormonal, some suppliment with high caffein combined with AAS or your simply having a rough week :D
dang i wish i had this issue...., im tired all the time, always been this way since i can remember and have done alot of tests showing nothing up..., i have to force myself to do everything. i wake up maybe 2 times a year where i actually feel like i have energy.
but no excuses LIFE heavy and EAT well! : )
its literally some sort of medical issue they cant find IMO, because im not lazy, i make my self do what has to be done, but its never easy.
messed up back from car accident 10yrs ago didnt help either...

OP go get blood work, ,ale sure to check thyroid function
I decided to not take my animal stack today to see how that effects my sleep. Thank you for the feedback guys. I appreciate it. I'll tell you guys if that works for me.