This has to be the best intra-workout


New member
NO Shotgun...20g of pepto pro, the caffeine helps with the energy through out very taught workouts, and with some carbs like karbolyn and it is a pure win. Especially since pepto pro is uber expensive and tastes horrible but they have some how managed to make it taste okay and at a good dosage. The karbolyn should also help a lot with the taste since it is very sweet and tasty :D

Especially during bulking season with some HGH and slin :love:
NO Shotgun...20g of pepto pro, the caffeine helps with the energy through out very taught workouts, and with some carbs like karbolyn and it is a pure win. Especially since pepto pro is uber expensive and tastes horrible but they have some how managed to make it taste okay and at a good dosage. The karbolyn should also help a lot with the taste since it is very sweet and tasty :D

Especially during bulking season with some HGH and slin :love:

i am not a believer in intra's, they cause an increase in insulin which puts a halt on test and adrenaline. I just like a strong pwo like PNI Prodigy (25 Servings)
I train a lot harder with intra-workouts...especially the brutal leg workouts. Even when I'm not taking anything with them I still think they help with recovery and pushing harder through very though workouts.

If I just want to take a supplement with it and nothing else then I would take recompadrol or slin-sane pre-workout and then take them intra-workout.
I usually will sip on purple wrath the whole workout and I can tell a difference for when I don't.
I recently started using MHP's secretagogue gold as an intra. The reason being is that I have been working out after I get off work from night shift and then go to bed. I just could drink a pre workout, then an intra, then a post workout and then the secretegogue without having to wake up every 30 minutes to piss. I cut out the intra and the post and added a small but basic protein shake and i really haven't noticed a drop off...
Xtend ftw love the taste, only use it if training fasted in the morning waste of money having it later in the day if your already having a good preworkout meal