This is my first time. Info Needed!


New member

This is my first time posting anything at this site, and I was just looking for some answers or help.

So, a little about me. I am a college student aspiring to do an ironman. I did a half last year and it didnt go so well because of my weight, 260 lbs. This year, I went to my doctor to see why I cant loose weight, but can gain fat like crazy. I was given a body fat test, 19%, and long story short(too late) I have very low testosterone both free and bounded.

For the past 4 weeks I have been eating healthy and working out 6 days a week for at least one hour aerobically and two to three days a week weight lifting. Since then I have gained about 4 pounds and don't feel energized. I asked the doc when and how i will feel when it kicks in, and he said, "everyone is different on when, and you will know when it kicks in".

I am doing 200mg of test. cypionate biweekly. I am doing my best at eating healthy and exercising but i haven't felt or seen any results. My goal is to weigh 215-220lbs. I am 6'0'' with below 20% BF.

Could someone please give me some guidance as to when I should start to feel more energetic and how long is a health time to get to my goal? Any suggestions are appreciated. Thank you and sorry it is so long!
Hey brother, welcome. You should post this in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section, you may get more help there. Biweekly injections are bullshit and 200mg every two weeks is a pretty low dose. I'd say the minimum should be once a week injections, preferably twice a week. You may need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and HCG. If your doc doesn't know all this it may be time to change docs. Chip of Maximus would be the person to see. He knows his shit. Also, post up your diet in the diet section and get some help there from 3J and others. This will set you on the right track. Good luck!