This is my plan for my first Test Cycle


New member
Hey Guys,

New here, been reading a lot and finally decided on doing my first cycle. Here is a little info about myself, I am 37 years old, weight 170lbs. I have always been active, either with sports, weights, crossfit etc... Also i follow a very strict paleo diet but i feel like i hit a wall and no matter what i do my body still looks the same lol

So I decided to do a test cycle, and here is my plan. Please jump in a give me your thoughts if i missed something or may not need something.

10 Week cycle
200mg Cypionate testosterone (1cc twice a week)
50mg proviron (every day)

HCG 1000 IUs Daily for 10 days
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 (Start 3 days after last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shot)

One question I had if this is my first cycle and instead of doing 1cc twice a week, i do 1/2 cc twice a week would i still need to do proviron and post cycle therapy (pct). My main concern i dont want to mess up my hormones and get bitch tits etc...

Any input would be highly appreciated
A couple things:

1. 200mg of test won't do much more than replace your natural levels of testosterone, assuming they're healthy as it is. This leads me to:
1b. You will want to get a pre-cycle blood work done so you know what you're working with. This is to not only know if there is anything you need to address before you embark on a journey with AAS, but also in case anything goes wrong, you have baseline values to compare to.

2. A HUGE part of results come from diet and training. The phrase "gains are made in the kitchen" holds very true and I cannot stress enough that you have your diet nailed down BEFORE you start supplementing with drugs. I would submit an example of your diet in the diet section under 3J's diet critique thread. If there are any glaring weaknesses in your diet, he will undoubtedly be able to find them.

3. Proviron is NOT a means of controlling estrogen. It simply has a higher binding affinity to the androgen receptor, which lessens the propensity of side effects. It does not by any means reduce your estrogen or prevent any from being made. You will need an aromatase inhibitor (AI) to do this. I strongly recommend you head over to the AAS section and read the sticky on estrogen before you go any further. Knowledge is power, and power keeps those C-cups off your body. ;)

4. I don't use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) personally, but that dosing looks WAY like overkill to me. There are several threads in the AAS section on how to dose this properly and when to take it to optimize the effects of recovery.

5. Your PCT also needs work as you'll want to throw in clomid as well. This too is in the stickies in the AAS section for dosing.

6. 100mg of testosterone (1/2cc assuming 200mg/mL) is possibly less than what you make naturally and will shut you down all the same. 500mg/wk is what is recommended for beginners as it not only is a relatively safe dose, but will provide measurable results given everything else is in check.

7. You mention that you're active; how much of that has been consistent weight training? Jumping back into lifting weights after not being particularly active in the gym is a sure-fire recipe for an injury. You'll want to be active for at least a year or two (more the better) before you jump head first into AAS as you need to build up those connective tissues which are put under immense strain by acquiring muscle mass at an accelerated rate.

As you can see, you have a bit more homework to do before you stick that needle into your body. Please take the time to learn as much as you can before you mess with your hormones. Your body and especially your penis will thank you.

My .02c :)
Any Test cycle has the potential to mess up your hormones permanently and will suppress natural production almost immediately. As far as injection frequency, that should have no effect on a clear MUST to do post cycle therapy (pct). You still need to follow proper PCT or else you have an even greater risk of permanently messing up your hormones. I suggest you start reading and hold off on your cycle until you know more about AAS.
Wow! I was trying to keep it simple but I guess thats not possible. Okay so i did a little more diggin around and this is what i came up with. Also what is your thought of using Nolvadex instead of Chlomid, ive been reading some mixed reviews.

1-10 test cyp 400 mg week
1-12 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
1-12 proviron 50 mg day
5-12 HCGenerate ES
13-14 hcg 1000 ius week

PCT 15-18

nolvadex 40/40/20/20 or clomid 50/50/25/25
aromasin 12.5 mg
ostarine 25 mg day

A couple things:

1. 200mg of test won't do much more than replace your natural levels of testosterone, assuming they're healthy as it is. This leads me to:
1b. You will want to get a pre-cycle blood work done so you know what you're working with. This is to not only know if there is anything you need to address before you embark on a journey with AAS, but also in case anything goes wrong, you have baseline values to compare to.

2. A HUGE part of results come from diet and training. The phrase "gains are made in the kitchen" holds very true and I cannot stress enough that you have your diet nailed down BEFORE you start supplementing with drugs. I would submit an example of your diet in the diet section under 3J's diet critique thread. If there are any glaring weaknesses in your diet, he will undoubtedly be able to find them.

3. Proviron is NOT a means of controlling estrogen. It simply has a higher binding affinity to the androgen receptor, which lessens the propensity of side effects. It does not by any means reduce your estrogen or prevent any from being made. You will need an aromatase inhibitor (AI) to do this. I strongly recommend you head over to the AAS section and read the sticky on estrogen before you go any further. Knowledge is power, and power keeps those C-cups off your body. ;)

4. I don't use HCG personally, but that dosing looks WAY like overkill to me. There are several threads in the AAS section on how to dose this properly and when to take it to optimize the effects of recovery.

5. Your PCT also needs work as you'll want to throw in clomid as well. This too is in the stickies in the AAS section for dosing.

6. 100mg of testosterone (1/2cc assuming 200mg/mL) is possibly less than what you make naturally and will shut you down all the same. 500mg/wk is what is recommended for beginners as it not only is a relatively safe dose, but will provide measurable results given everything else is in check.

7. You mention that you're active; how much of that has been consistent weight training? Jumping back into lifting weights after not being particularly active in the gym is a sure-fire recipe for an injury. You'll want to be active for at least a year or two (more the better) before you jump head first into AAS as you need to build up those connective tissues which are put under immense strain by acquiring muscle mass at an accelerated rate.

As you can see, you have a bit more homework to do before you stick that needle into your body. Please take the time to learn as much as you can before you mess with your hormones. Your body and especially your penis will thank you.

My .02c :)
Wow! I was trying to keep it simple but I guess thats not possible. Okay so i did a little more diggin around and this is what i came up with. Also what is your thought of using Nolvadex instead of Chlomid, ive been reading some mixed reviews.

1-10 test cyp 400 mg week
1-12 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
1-12 proviron 50 mg day
5-12 HCGenerate ES
13-14 hcg 1000 ius week

PCT 15-18

nolvadex 40/40/20/20 or clomid 50/50/25/25
aromasin 12.5 mg
ostarine 25 mg day

If you want to keep it simple, then all you need is:

Testosterone C/E 400-500mg/wk
Aromasin 12.5-25mg ED (not EOD)
HCG (you'll need to read that sticky still - I thought it was 500IU/wk at 250x2)

*You do not need to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during PCT
**You want to use BOTH clomid and nolva as they have different properties that will aid in recovery.

And that's it. I'm honestly not sure how a SARM will play into your proposed PCT as I've frankly never seen it attempted like that. I'd imagine though that as you'll still be suppressed, it won't be beneficial at all.
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