%%% this is what i eat

I am 6'5, 222 pounds and this is what i eat and i am still lossing weight and i do not do cardio. any ideas..... i would much rather be 245lb

calories, carbs, fat, protein.

Optimum Nutrition - Gold Standard Whey Protein, 2 Rounded Scoop (30.4g)
240 6 2 48

Cereals - Oats, regular and quick and instant, unenriched, cooked with water, without salt (oatmeal), 1 cup
147 25 2 6

Fruit - Apple Gala - Medium, 1 Apple
80 22 0 0

Peter Pan - Creamy Penut Butter, 6 tbsp
630 0 51 21

Lunch - these are split into two meal one at 11am and one at 1:30pm

4 Boneless Pork Chop - Baked, (4oz)
844 0 50 92

No Yolks Large (Cholesterol Free Egg White Pasta) - Egg Noodles, 4 cups cooked
560 109 1 21

Chicken Breast , 8 ounce
240 0 2 52
Broccoli - Cooked, boiled, drained, without salt, 1 stalk, large (11"-12" long)
98 20 1 7
Sweet potato - Cooked, baked in skin, without salt (Sweetpotato), 1 cup
180 41 0 4

Fruit - Apple Gala - Medium, 1 Apple
80 22 0 0

Cottage cheese - Lowfat, 2% milkfat, 1 cup (not packed)
203 8 4 31

Chobani 0% Strawberry, 1 container(6oz)
140 22 0 14

Bread - Whole-wheat, 1 slice
69 13 1 3

Almonds Whole Natural, 1/8 C (about 14 almonds)
85 6 7 4


3,596 294 121 282

I swear if i drop anymore weight i am going to start eating a pizza a day. on top of all this.
Your body loses weight when their is a caloric deficit to your maintance calories. Answering a few questions will help out everybody out to figure out how to help you. What supplements are you taking; what is your daily maintance caloric needs; what does your workout routine look like; if you're employed, what do you do and how strenuous is it physically; what is your body fat %. You're eating relatively clean, so your body could actually be burning body fat.
first thanks for the replys and the interst in helping me out....ok here we go

What supplements are you taking; protien,arginine 1000, milk thistle, glucosamine, kre-alkalyn 1500 (creatine), fish oil.... so steriods

what is your daily maintance caloric needs; i beleive it is 3000... i am 6'5 222 and i put those numbers into myfitnesspal.com and that is what they came up with... is there another way to find out.

what does your workout routine look like; 5 day split chest mon,back tues, legs wed,shoulders thurs, off fri, arms sat, off sun. about 8 excersies 3/4 sets per exersies 8-10 reps

if you're employed, what do you do and how strenuous is it physically; branch manager at a mortgage firm..... i sit on my A$$ all day

what is your body fat %. 14% according to the thing you hold with both hand and hold out infront of your body.

You're eating relatively clean, so your body could actually be burning body fat. if you have some good picks for "dirty foods" i could eat i am all ears.

but i have been reading this site for hte better part of the day and i think you might tell me i am over training and there for burning to much