This week's Mind and Muscle Magazine articles

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Squats Redux by Jim Ganley
Can one read too much about squats, the king of all exercises? I don’t think so, yet so many still avoid them, or avoid doing them properly. Jim takes us back to his younger days at the ‘Y’ in the 60's and his progression in doing ‘knee bends’ as the squat was then known – from barely squatting a couple of inches, to squatting ‘butt to the floor’.

Dieting by Blood Type by Wesley Silveria AKA Iron Addict
We are all familiar with the wide variety of diets promoted for fat loss, particularly those that focus on carb reduction. However, who has ever considered that their blood type may actually influence their body’s reaction to different foods and its tendency to affect one's metabolism? Author Wesley Silveira has done some research into the topic and discusses whether dieting by blood type is a valid approach.