Thoughts about Mrsupps Prohormone stacks...

It's not for PCT. The AI is for on cycle although I don't know why. It says that Hellodrol is suppressive for natty test. I imagine they want you to take a test booster for on-cycle which is what the AI is for (to stop that test from aromatizing). What would a good helladrol cycle look like, in your opinion?

If you read their website, they have the layout for a cycle and the formestane is in the pct weeks not the cycle.

AI's don't boost test, AI's prevent androgens capable of aromatization from converting into estrogen, in the terms of boosting test all they do is prevent free test from turning into estrogen so you end up with higher free test.

When running hormones natural test production decreases dramatically or stops trying to counter act that is pointless and will not work.

As for a proper halodrol cycle.

Halodrol 6 weeks dose 75 to 150 higher if you want, pick a dose and run it for the 6 weeks or ramp the dose up if you perfer.

Have an AI on hand during cycle for estrogenic side's if they present them self. Pick an AI of your choice, I perfer Exemestane due to it's suicidal natural where once it binds aromatase it becomes inactive till metabolized inert, unlike arimidex or letro which will bind then release giving the chance for rebound estrogen rise unless carefully tapered off, formestane would also work on cycle but not in pct due to the supressive nature of the of the 4 hydroxytest metabolite, but chances of estrogenic side effects are minimal with a compound like halodrol which is incapable of aromatizing.

You do not want to consistently dose an AI on cycle when running a compound that cannot aromatize because for what ever little estrogen your body does product from residual test/minimal production or DHEA produced in the adrenal glands because estrogen is needed for hormonal balance for joint/bone health and libido.

If you suffer from low test related side effects you can either use injectable test or a prohormone test substitute like 4-DHEA which converts to test in the body in 2 steps, or stano(epiandrosterone) which is the 3 beta hydroxy DHEA based 2 step prohormone to DHT mind you if prone to DHT based sides like male pattern baldness or prostate problems stano would not be suggested, also you can use regular DHEA which has various metabolites some of which being test typically people prefer topical DHEA(Dermacrine or D-Spray) over oral DHEA for this purpose. Lastly we have the Designer Steroid Trestolone(7a methyl nandrolone) which functions like test and is a suitable test substitute. Trestolone is probably the best option due to it's increased anabolic nature over actual testosterone, for Trestolone see Celtic Labs Trestobol(Celtic Labs Trestobol (100 caps) - Discount Trestobol Supplements!), we are soon releasing a topical version Trestoderm, and our sister company Pure Oils has a sterile oil trestolone(

If a test base is ran on cycle, out of the compounds just listed 4-DHEA, DHEA, Injectable Test, and Trest would also be suggested to dose an AI on cycle because they are capable of aromatization, Stano is not.

Also typically people are running regular supps, multivitamin, fish oil, creatine.

Cycle support on cycle of course and add liv.52ds if you want added liver support, if running a harsh oral or for extra safety TUDCA can be ran as well.

As for PCT run a SERM. Clomid for faster HPTA reboot, Nolva if concerned with Gyno, or Torem for kind of a medium between the two. I prefer Nolva.

AI on hand during pct in case of estrogen related side effects, again i prefer exemestane, a lot of people like arimadex, letro isn't a popular option due to it's ability to greatly decrease estrogen. If using arimadex or letro taper dose down to prevent rebound side effects.

Sodium DAA as a PCT test booster(clinically proven to boost LH to boost test, see study linked in post 14). AI sports nutrition makes decently priced bulk sodium DAA.

I think that about wraps it up.
Okay, nice post. I never said that an AI boosts test, I just meant that if you're taking a test to compensate for shutdown you'll need an AI. From your post, I figure I'd run something like this:

Helladrol 6 weeks
e-control (an AI which also has the suicide nature)
trestoblone or stano
cycle support for liver and other functions
pct of clomid
For buddy who wants to run the cycle... Depending on your weight, shape, lean body mass/body fat, keep an AI on hand, but don't blindly use it because someone else told you to, you can really undercut good estrogens if your not prone to prolactins. I've put on a retarded amount of size (just over 20lbs) in 6 short weeks of oral test prop and Helladrol, and still got another 6 weeks of on cycle to go, running without an AI for the first time. I would deem it "semi" necessary, I know I could totally benefit from a little arimidex here and there, but so far I feel it really hinders a lot of the sheer mass you can pack on.