Thoughts on 3rd cycle? (Test P/Tbol/NPP)


New member
33yo male - 200lb 6ft tall
Lifting 8 years. Clean diet, track every calorie and carb cycle.
Cycle History: 2 cycles Test only, 500mg/wk and 600mg/wk

Goal for 3rd cycle: Looking to lean bulk and adding some quality muscle, while keeping the water retention at minimum

Thoughts on this as a 3rd cycle?

  • Tbol (Weeks 1-4) 50mg/day - adjust as needed with how i respond/sides

  • Test P (Weeks 1-12) (300mg/week) (Pin 100mg 3/wk) - Starting low as i get bad sides on high test. Up/lower dosage by sides/deca dick
  • NPP (Weeks 1-12) (400mg/week) (Pin 133mg 3/wk) - up to 500mg/wk if no sides
  • HCG (Weeks 1-12) 500IU/week (Pin 250IU 2/wk) - stop 3 days before starting pct
  • Adex (Weeks 1-12) .25mg EOD - Change dosing based on e2 levels from bloods and sides

  • PCT (Weeks 13-16) - start 4 days after last pin
    Nolva 40mg/40/20/20 (ED)
    Clomid 50mg/50/50/50 (ED)

  • Caber - On hand for prolactin issues
  • Clialis - To lower blood pressure
  • Bloods before and after 2 weeks + when needed
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Looks like a well thought out plan, good that you have caber there for E2 and prolactin issues. Youll be on top of any issues as well with taking your bloods like you stated before and after 2 weeks. your cycle is going to go sweet monitoring all of this.
Hey there bud, as per what was said the cycle looks good. You show good knowledge of how the compounds may effect you as to unwanted sides
Monitoring should not pose much problem. I recommend you not only watching your weight gains but watch the mirror for the unwanted water.

As you know and mentioned, you don't want fast weight gains... It only the water. Doing a successful cycle can go without much weight gain due to the ability to grow new LMM is slow. Much to synthesize..

Now one of the most important items to get right is the mind to muscle connection and keep the mental as well as physical drive going..... :dance2:
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