Thoughts on Dieting


Got any Ice Cream?
Hey guys.. this is a post of mine from a board I mod..the thread was about having a cheat day..but it turned into having a bitch fest about not having the willpower to eat clean...

I hope it helps you guys out.

original post member's name witheld

I'm going to have to use a cliche on this one - I'm the biggest procrastinator. I will never study nor do homework until the last minute. I've tried to correct this behavior dozens of times. I've basically accepted that it's a part of me.

I guess this answers your question.

"You are what you eat, no ifs ands or buts."

"When you fail to plan, you are planning to fail."

"The best made plans of mice and men often go awry."

"Consistency is key."

All Ive got to say is if you dont make the commitment to plan ahead for your meals, you dont have room to complain about your body or your progress.

In addition to that, I believe you have to live a balanced life. Dont expect to fufill some drastic overnight changes without knowing you will prolly burnout. A consistent decent diet is better than 2 weeks of superclean eating-a burnout-and then a 3 month bender compounded with the depression that comes with the feeling of having "fucked up your diet".

Be as clean as consistent as possible all the time. Worry about the obsessive compulsive super clean freak diet to when you are:
#1 stepping onstage *OR*
#2 months ahead of an event where you need to look good: i.e. summer-beach weather, family/school reunion, pictures, porn star debut.

Do not have too much emotional attatchment to food. Remeber, its fuel for your body and your muscles. Do not depend on food to satisfy any emotional turbulence. Also, do not let "bad food" get you down too much.

If you do stray, dont freak out. Think about it.
~Why did you cheat? Convenience? Emotions?
~How can you have avoided it? Better planning?
~What are you gonna do about it? Commit to 1-2 extra cardio sessions? Eat more clean than usual for the next day or so?

As long as you address the problem, and devise a plan of attack and follow through with it.. you will be cool.
thanks hun :) too bad the person I wrote it for is still a numbskull..

he wrote:

I love cardio, but I can't do them because I lose too much muscles.

I wish it could be that easy my friend.

and I responded:


You are missing the point. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Are you an ecto morph? Because one extra session of cardio doesnt burn off a pound. You have to burn 3,500 cals to burn off a pound. Thats like, 4 hours straight of jogging at 3.8mph.

If you are an ectomorph and eat shitty, then you need to eat more quality calories.

If you are a mesomorph and eat shitty, a cardio session wont kill you.

If you are an endomorph and eat shitty.. cardio and a strict diet for a few days wont kill you either.

The proof is in the pudding. Dont waste time making excuses. If you are dissatisfied about your body, but dont do anything about it.. you have no room to complain.