Thoughts on next cycle...


New member
Im traveling to Mexico next week and when I return I will start my cycle. Im just wondering if you guys think I should tweak my cycle, feel free to give any input. All info below.
24, in between 6'4" and 6'5", 207 lbs. fasted., 16% BF estimated. Lifting consistently since high school so thats 10 years of lifting experience.

Week 1-14 test e 400 mg per week
Week 1-4 test p 100 mg eod
Week 1-4 M1T 20 mg ed *First time using*
Week 1-12 Tren E 600 mg per week
Week 6-14 Anavar 80 mg ed *First time using*
Week 1-15 HCG 500 iu per week
Week 1-14 Liquidex .25 mg EOD
Week 1-12 Prami .5 mg ED
PCT 2 weeks after last pin Clomid 100/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/40/40
I have NAC, liv.52, taurine and hawthorn on hand for liver, heart protection and BP. Pre-cycle bloodwork has been done. Will get bloodwork done again at week 6 unless I experience sides then I will get it done week 4. TT was 625 (348-1197)
I pan on lean bulking with this cycle. I am set up with 3J and have been on his suggested diet plan for 1 week. I've dropped a lot of water weight the first week with his carb cycling.
I know the rule to only add one compound at a time but i figured since I wasn't adding them together i should be ok.

Looks okay, besides the M1T. That crap is so toxic on your body, theres no need to add that in my opinion.
Run ai and hcg up to pct. Might want to do pct 3 weeks after last pin instead of 2. Look up pct calculater for a more accurate time line.
Id opt for dbol or even drol over M1T. Althought that stuff is very powerful and does the job I encountered enough side effects the two times I ran it to not want to ever run it again.
OP, your theory of adding all those compounds together sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. If unbearable side effects surface how would you pinpoint which compound(s) are to blame.Youre left to tough if out or jettison the whole sumbitch. It's your deal, but maybe start small and add other ingredients as the cycle continues ( within reason)

again just my 2 cents(sense)
OP, your theory of adding all those compounds together sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. If unbearable side effects surface how would you pinpoint which compound(s) are to blame.Youre left to tough if out or jettison the whole sumbitch. It's your deal, but maybe start small and add other ingredients as the cycle continues ( within reason)

again just my 2 cents(sense)

The only compounds I have not used before would be the M1T and anavar. I am not using them at the same time so why do you see it as not being able to tell where the sides come from. I know what happens to me with test and tren. Thanks for the advice though everyone. And i know m1t is toxic. If I feel bad on it or see jaundice signs I'm throwing it out, but some people say they dnot experience bad sides with it so I'll at least give it a try.
The only compounds I have not used before would be the M1T and anavar. I am not using them at the same time so why do you see it as not being able to tell where the sides come from. I know what happens to me with test and tren. Thanks for the advice though everyone. And i know m1t is toxic. If I feel bad on it or see jaundice signs I'm throwing it out, but some people say they dnot experience bad sides with it so I'll at least give it a try.

Keep an eye on your blood pressure my friend, mine sky rocketed to the point id have nosebleeds quite often, and bad ones at that.
That too, I do my clinicals at a local hospital so each morning I will check my vital signs to make sure they are under control as much as possible. That's why I have the Hawthorne berry extract. Although I have read mixed reviews about it. Thanks for the heads up though.
The only compounds I have not used before would be the M1T and anavar. I am not using them at the same time so why do you see it as not being able to tell where the sides come from. I know what happens to me with test and tren. Thanks for the advice though everyone. And i know m1t is toxic. If I feel bad on it or see jaundice signs I'm throwing it out, but some people say they dnot experience bad sides with it so I'll at least give it a try.
My bad, I read your post wrong. After rereading it I can see better what u meant
Looks ok. I'd use do tbol instead of m1t. With that drug regime I'd guess to see lotta lean gains. Of course factoring in proper nutrition, sleep and training. Good luck.
Im traveling to Mexico next week and when I return I will start my cycle. Im just wondering if you guys think I should tweak my cycle, feel free to give any input. All info below.
24, in between 6'4" and 6'5", 207 lbs. fasted., 16% BF estimated. Lifting consistently since high school so thats 10 years of lifting experience.

Week 1-14 test e 400 mg per week
Week 1-4 test p 100 mg eod
Week 1-4 M1T 20 mg ed *First time using*
Week 1-12 Tren E 600 mg per week
Week 6-14 Anavar 80 mg ed *First time using*
Week 1-15 HCG 500 iu per week
Week 1-14 Liquidex .25 mg EOD
Week 1-12 Prami .5 mg ED
PCT 2 weeks after last pin Clomid 100/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/40/40
I have NAC, liv.52, taurine and hawthorn on hand for liver, heart protection and BP. Pre-cycle bloodwork has been done. Will get bloodwork done again at week 6 unless I experience sides then I will get it done week 4. TT was 625 (348-1197)
I pan on lean bulking with this cycle. I am set up with 3J and have been on his suggested diet plan for 1 week. I've dropped a lot of water weight the first week with his carb cycling.
I know the rule to only add one compound at a time but i figured since I wasn't adding them together i should be ok.


liv52 is good but mr supps tudca is going to be alot more effective and help you through your very rough cycle which is no joke at all