Im traveling to Mexico next week and when I return I will start my cycle. Im just wondering if you guys think I should tweak my cycle, feel free to give any input. All info below.
24, in between 6'4" and 6'5", 207 lbs. fasted., 16% BF estimated. Lifting consistently since high school so thats 10 years of lifting experience.
Week 1-14 test e 400 mg per week
Week 1-4 test p 100 mg eod
Week 1-4 M1T 20 mg ed *First time using*
Week 1-12 Tren E 600 mg per week
Week 6-14 Anavar 80 mg ed *First time using*
Week 1-15 HCG 500 iu per week
Week 1-14 Liquidex .25 mg EOD
Week 1-12 Prami .5 mg ED
PCT 2 weeks after last pin Clomid 100/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/40/40
I have NAC, liv.52, taurine and hawthorn on hand for liver, heart protection and BP. Pre-cycle bloodwork has been done. Will get bloodwork done again at week 6 unless I experience sides then I will get it done week 4. TT was 625 (348-1197)
I pan on lean bulking with this cycle. I am set up with 3J and have been on his suggested diet plan for 1 week. I've dropped a lot of water weight the first week with his carb cycling.
I know the rule to only add one compound at a time but i figured since I wasn't adding them together i should be ok.
24, in between 6'4" and 6'5", 207 lbs. fasted., 16% BF estimated. Lifting consistently since high school so thats 10 years of lifting experience.
Week 1-14 test e 400 mg per week
Week 1-4 test p 100 mg eod
Week 1-4 M1T 20 mg ed *First time using*
Week 1-12 Tren E 600 mg per week
Week 6-14 Anavar 80 mg ed *First time using*
Week 1-15 HCG 500 iu per week
Week 1-14 Liquidex .25 mg EOD
Week 1-12 Prami .5 mg ED
PCT 2 weeks after last pin Clomid 100/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/40/40
I have NAC, liv.52, taurine and hawthorn on hand for liver, heart protection and BP. Pre-cycle bloodwork has been done. Will get bloodwork done again at week 6 unless I experience sides then I will get it done week 4. TT was 625 (348-1197)
I pan on lean bulking with this cycle. I am set up with 3J and have been on his suggested diet plan for 1 week. I've dropped a lot of water weight the first week with his carb cycling.
I know the rule to only add one compound at a time but i figured since I wasn't adding them together i should be ok.