Thoughts on taking just a source of fats for fasting cardio


New member
Do you guys think this will yield any positive effects ? The same for creatine/glutimine . . . or other supps ?

Also, what is the least amount of time/duration for fasting cardio (20min)?
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Do you guys think this will yeild any positive effects?

Curious to see 3J's comments on this. I believe it would be counterproductive. If anything, i think maybe a small amount of lean protein might be acceptable but not even sure of that.

The reason fasted cardio is so successful in burning fat is your body is relying on stored fat cells for energy since the body is presumably carb depleted.
Any amount of cardio is beneficial - the point is to increase your daily caloric expenditure. Just base it off of what's effective. I.e., pick a starting amount of time and do it, and gradually increase it over time as you get leaner.

And, in eating fat, it no longer counts as fasted cardio. Food is food in that regard.
keep fasting cardio fasting.. why would u wanna add fats before that?? makes no sense...