Thoughts on Test E & Deca Cycle


New member
Thoughts on this cycle as its my first experience with test & Deca


Sex -Male
Weight -100kg
Height -193cm

I have the following on hand
Primoteston 250 (test E)
Nandralone 200 (Deca)

I've ran HGH /IGF1-LR3 for 6 months ,looking to continue running this

Weeks 1-6
1ml primoteston
4iu HGH
2iu IGF1-LR3

Weeks 7-10
1ml primoteston
1ml Nandralone
4iu HGH
2iu IGF1-LR3

Keep in mind this is my first experience with Test & Deca

So looking to see how my body reacts

Thoughts & advice
I agree with mega. What's your pct protocol?
If you're gonna do a test/deca cycle this is a classic:
1-12 test 500mg/w
1-10 deca 400mg/w

You're gonna want to stop deca two weeks sooner than the test because of it's long halflife.
I agree with mega. What's your pct protocol?
If you're gonna do a test/deca cycle this is a classic:
1-12 test 500mg/w
1-10 deca 400mg/w

You're gonna want to stop deca two weeks sooner than the test because of it's long halflife.

1 week should be enough. Decanoate only lasts a few days longer than enth.
Thanks guys,my doctor actually gave me this protocol...

I was told with such low doses no need for PCT

As its is my first cycle his said let just see how the body reacts to it all & we'll adjust from there

My main goal with this cycle is to improve serverly atrophy muscle due to nerve damage
Thanks guys,my doctor actually gave me this protocol...

I was told with such low doses no need for PCT

As its is my first cycle his said let just see how the body reacts to it all & we'll adjust from there

My main goal with this cycle is to improve serverly atrophy muscle due to nerve damage

Then i would encourage you to get a new doctor...or educate him or her on chemical half lifes as well as what "shutdown is".

Deca will shut you down. First injection...done. you need to pct afterwards. You're injecting test. This will shut you down. You're doing it for 10 need to revive tour test. If not they should have you kn trt.

Nadrolone decanoate takes a good 5 weeks to kick in due to the long half life. 3 weeks won't do a single thing other than fully shut you down if you weren't quite 100% shutdown already. Better not to run it
I thought so everything I been reading saying you need a PCT & also a in cycle AI

Can you suggest a suitable PCT & AI for what I'll be taking ? ... There seem to be slot of contradiction out there

Atm I was thinking of running HCG during cycle & Clomid post
Thanks guys,my doctor actually gave me this protocol...

I was told with such low doses no need for PCT

As its is my first cycle his said let just see how the body reacts to it all & we'll adjust from there

My main goal with this cycle is to improve serverly atrophy muscle due to nerve damage

Wow! What school did he get his medical degree from? Seriously? A medical doctor told you to do this?
I don't think it's contradiction, so much as preferences. Knowing your proper dosage of AI depends a great deal upon your body's ability to deal with E2 and how you aromatize Test. Not to mention the fact that Deca is a 19Nor, and you may need a prolactin inhibitor as well. Nothing worse than the prospect of growing tits and then lactating!

Aromasin and arimadex are your 2 options for AI, and Caber or Prami are your anti prolactin options. For PCT: the tried and tested & True Nolvadex and Clomid (some guys throw HCG into the mix, right after the cycle ends, just to get "the boys" filling out a bit again prior to starting PCT.

The stickies have ALL you need to know about dosages and durations for everything mentioned here. I could write it all out, but I'm not going to make it THAT easy for ya ***55357;***56841;

I've led you to the water... It's up to you to drink..