Thrid Cycle, Test Cyp, Deca, and Tren Acetate Suggestions??


New member
Hello. Okay I have done 2, 12 week cycles of test cyp before but this time what I want to do is this. 20-24 weeks of test cyp in 2 phases. The first stacked phase with Deca for 10-12 weeks for bulk. Then the second phase of 10-12 weeks stacked with Tren Acetate for cutting. Then At least 6 Weeks of PCT with clomid. But I need help with figuring out the quantity of everything to take. The Test Cyp I have is 250 mg and I was thinking of running it at 400-500mg for the whole duration. I did research on the deca 250 mg and think 1-1.5cc is good for the first 10-12 Weeks then The tren with the cyp for the last 10-12 weeks at 50mg a day since its my first time with tren. Then after all is done do 150mg of clomid for 2 weeks then 100mg for 2 weeks them 50mg for 2 weeks to do my pct. Does that sound good? Any ideas? Any other things I should take on the side like milk thistles or anything to help against side effects? Please help

Stats- age-29 250lbs male
If your trying to bulk and cut in one cycle, its probably not gonna work well being its your third cycle. U would be better off running deca longer then 10-12 weeks. If your stuck on this cycle, run tren last 8 weeks and stop deca maybe a week or two before tren. U didn't mention any ai's or dopamine antagonists for during cycle. Your pct really ain't complete either. You should add nolvadex.

If I were u and this being a third cycle, I would run it 18 weeks if u want a longer run. I would just use test and deca. Test @ 600mgs and deca @ 400mgs per week. Stop deca 2 weeks before test. Drop tren completely from cycle. Use it for another one.
Thank u for ur response. Umm im open to new ways of doing it. I got great results from my last cycles as far as bulking goes what I really wanted to do with this one was use cyp for another 20 weeks this time and bulk in the beggining maybe another 10-15 pounds and use the deca for that then the last use cyp and the tren to cut and shred. I like ur way of doing it and making deca longwr but how much deca should I take a wk? Or Would it work if I cut out the deca? Would doing what u recommended and running 400-600mgs of the cyp threw the whole 20 weeks and then the last 8-10 weeks adding 50-75mg of tren work? And I will be honest I have done my reserch on the AI and stuff like caber like doing 0.25-0.5 every 3 days but honestly am stuck on all that so will listen very well for any advice. And I thought if I did the clomid for a pct it would be enough but if u think doing nolvadex at like 20mg for 2 weeks and then 10mg for 2 weeks in addition is better then I will. What would u suggest? Thank u for ur help.
If I was going to re do my last cycle I would have never started " bulking" I would have tried to put on quality muscle mass slow with the least amount of steroids. Bulking than cutting can be beneficial some times but you have to make sure your still eating really clean even when bulking. Also I don't think you will need 150mgs of clomid a day. Simply 100mgs a day for the first 2 weeks than 50mgs a day for 2 weeks is good for clomid. But you need nolvadex or else your pct will be subpar and you might lose more gains when you come off plus not regain full natural testosterone levels. Also your using very suppressive steroids you need to run about 500 ius of HCG a week through out the cycle it will help you to recover better once you stop the steroids.
Since u never ran tren before, stick to deca. 20 weeks of test @ 600mgs with deca @400mgs is good. U can bump it up if need be.

I agree with adding hcg to your cycle also. I run Aromasin @ 12.5mgs per day to start. I use caber myself. Most use adex and prami though. U might want to run pct 6 weeks.

Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50/50/50

I personally don't go over 50mgs of Clomid.

EDIT- stop deca 2 weeks before test
Again thank u all for ur advice. And I will definatly follow ur advice TBONEXL on the clomid and nolvadex. Thank u. But I know knothing honestly about hcg? What is its purpose? How should I administer it? How much? How many times a week? And while on that subject lets say I decide to go with just test cyp and tren plus caber at 0.25 every 3 days. And then end with the pct of nolvadex and clomid as mentioned. I know I can do cyp for 20 weeks at like 600mg a week but how much tren should I do? Can I do teen for the full 20 weeks as well or only like 10 weeks? I know it needs to be dome daily so like 50mg or 75mg but for how long?
Tren is potent. 8-10 weeks of tren is plenty if u can handle it. That's why I advised against it and rather u go with deca instead. On paper, tren looks fantastic. Reality, it can chew u up and spit u out.
Hcg can be used twice a week during cycle @ 250ius per shot. U can run it 4-5 days short of pct.
Hcg keeps your nuts from looking like raisins. Since your running such a long cycle u should look into it.
If I was going to re do my last cycle I would have never started " bulking" I would have tried to put on quality muscle mass slow with the least amount of steroids. Bulking than cutting can be beneficial some times but you have to make sure your still eating really clean even when bulking. Also I don't think you will need 150mgs of clomid a day. Simply 100mgs a day for the first 2 weeks than 50mgs a day for 2 weeks is good for clomid. But you need nolvadex or else your pct will be subpar and you might lose more gains when you come off plus not regain full natural testosterone levels. Also your using very suppressive steroids you need to run about 500 ius of HCG a week through out the cycle it will help you to recover better once you stop the steroids.

This is what I was saying on another thread. (sorry to jump in) Im gonna do deca for the first. I am considering Test 400/Deca 300 but I was made aware that deca at 300 is more of a joint relief dose than anything else. So Im more inclined to run test/deca both at 400. Im thinking less is more and Im not gonna go to crazy with eating. Im 41 and running bulk and cut is a bitch. I just wanna add some good muscle and keep it even if I leave a few lbs on the table.
Okay cool. Once again thank u to everyone. After looking into everything here is what I have decided on. Im gonna run test cyp at 600mg a week for 20 weeks. While also doing 50mg of hcg a week which I think is equal to 500ius. Plus 0.25 caber every 3 days for the 20 weeks. Then for the last 10 weeks im gonna add 50mg or at Max 75mg a day of tren aceantate to the mix. Ill stop hcg and Caber about 5 days before I stop the roids. Then after all that im gonna do nolvadex and clomid both for pct for 6 weeks at 40,40,20,20,20,20 for nolvadex and 50,50,50,50,50,50 for clomid. Hows that sound? Anything im leaving out? Any extra tips for better results?
Also I don't think you will need 150mgs of clomid a day. Simply 100mgs a day for the first 2 weeks than 50mgs a day for 2 weeks is good for clomid.

I agree. And some don't even need that much. I remember when I did my only pct I jump started with 100mg Clomid and my testes swelled up and hurt like a motherfucker. I mean like 1.5x their normal "full" size. And when I say it hurt down there, I mean it hurt so bad I was bedridden in a fetal position, unable to fall asleep.

Don't mean to scare you OP, just letting you know that Clomid is a powerful drug in moderate dosages. One of my "trt" docs put me on Clomid for a couple months. 25mgs ed elevated my total testosterone levels to ~800 from a 250-300 baseline. The idea of frontloading Clomid is logical, however most doses boards recommended for pct are way higher then necessary; especially if the drug is pharmaceutical grade.
Caber is used with a 19nor like tren. It's a dopamine antagonist not an ai. U need an ai when using test to manage your e2 levels. Before u go spending your lunch money on gear, u got a lot of reading up to do yet.
I was using the caber because of the tren? I thought that was right? Could u please explain AI? What's that for? Have any suggesstions for the.type? Or quantity? And other than this was everything else I out good?
That's why u need more research. So u know what an ai is. What's the point of me telling u everything u need if u dont even know what it is or what it does? How do u know I'm not full of shit?

We have a young kid on here that hired bostin and he got all fucked up from his coaching. Simply put, cuz he didn't research before hand. If u don't evwn know what an ai is, your definitely not ready for a cycle of this caliber.
I have done reaserch as I have shown. I was just asking for more info. And what type of AI u would recommended AMD in what doeses. That was my question bro.