Throwing up my diet (For the people that have asked for diet advice)


Well-known member
I'm going to throw up my diet for those who have been asking for diet help. This diet is suited for me and my goals, but it will give you and idea of foods and reasons.

My Goals - I have almost reached 275 (actually 265 but 2 more good weeks we'll be there). This diet will be used for 6 weeks. After that i'll be cutting for competition.

Meal 1 (7:00 a.m.): 3 scoops Isopure Zero Carb 3 packets Flavored Oatmeal

Meal 2 (10:00 a.m.): 10 oz. Chicken Breast
2/3 cup White Rice

Meal 3 (1:00 p.m.): 12 oz. Lean Steak
1 tbsp. Flax Oil
1 cup Steamed Vegtables

Meal 4 (4:00 p.m.): 3 scoops Isopure Zero Carb
½ cup Apple Sauce
2 packets Flavored Oatmeal
1 tbsp. Honey
24 oz. Gatorade

Meal 5 (7:00 p.m.): 10 oz. Chicken Breast
2/3 cup White Rice

Meal 6 (10:00 p.m.): 12 oz. Lean Steak
Large Salad
Olive Oil and Vinegar Dressing (2 tbsp.)

All measurements Uncooked

This is for a workout day with meal 4 coming postworkout.

Macro's are about 450g Protein, 350g Carbs, 90g Fat

Hope this helps the guys that have asked.
Hey DMS, that's a fairly good breakout bro. Out of curiousity, what did you start at b4 this diet, BF, LBM, weight, etc?
Hey bro I understand your goals and ratios but why so high on the high GI carbs if you dont mind me asking?!
Okay...A few things to clarify.

When i started adding weight back i had just competed. (225) First of December.

My body was primed for adding weight which is why i shot up in weight. OFF SEASON i just eat eat eat (with an emphasis on making sure i get my protein in) I don't count kcals.

This diet is used more for maintainence and getting me ready to start my diet. I go from lots of foods and no real setup to more of a structured diet.

As far as the HIGH GI....The only real time there is HIGH GI carbs is 4:00 which is postworkout.

Without some "sugar" my body starts to flatten out some, plus dieting for 12 - 16 weeks on LOW GI, sucks.

Once precontest time starts those "HIGH GI" carbs will be replaced

Flavored oatmeal will be switched to Regular Oatmeal

Postworkout carbs will come from Sweet Potato's

ECT ECT.....

This is not a "bulk up" Diet but one that will Maintain my weight will getting my body ready to compete

Hope that helps
Makes more sense now. I just noticed the flavored oatmeal, white rice as well as the post workout shake which makes sense. It just seemed like alot to me, I knew you would have an explanation though
In all reality the GI gets lowered significantly with the amount of Protein in each meal. I've seen to many guys use white rice during contest diets to believe that you have to have lower gi foods.

I try and make things simple and use foods i know that i'll be consistent with eating. IMO the most neglected part of the bodybuilding equation.
Totally agree. I split the balance of GI carbs postworkout between very simple dextrose and either the higher sugars of a recovery shake or a fairly GI high food. Well, do this for contest dieting at least. Otherwise I'm with you, E-A-T.