Thyroid hormone info

Miss Muscle

New member
This is directly from the Journal of Sports Medicine. I'm not sure the issue however. It's a great basic source of information.

The thyroid gland is the main regulator of the body's metabolic rate, adjusting the release of T4, a hormone with limited actiivity. T4 is converted into T3 within the liver and other tissues, with most of the cellular effects of thyroid hormone due to this from of the hormone. T3 is extremely potent and acts upon fat loss primarily by making the body more sensitive to the signal of NE, the stimulant neurotransmitter. Unfortunately, thyroid hormone, much like GH, is non-specific, meaning it affects nearly every tissue.

An excess of thyroid hormone leads to a potently catabolic state, and though weight loss will be significant, a signficant portion of the weight loss is from muscle wasting. Additionally, T3 excess can make the individual very sensitive to other stimulants, or even the natural release of NE, leading to dangerous heart problems, sleeplessness and irritablitly. Users need to be very conservative when combining T3 with any stimulants. While most thyroid hormone available comes from black market T4, which is less effective and slow acting, the preferred drug for fat loss among users is T3, triiodothyronine. Users must increase the dose of T3 slowly and then taper off gradually to avoid overdoisng or withdrawal. T3, used without anabolic steroids, will likely result in muscle wasting.
Good info. One side effect that is very common with women who use t3 to cut is hair loss. Since you put your body in a state of hyperthyroidism during your cycle. Then you put your body in a state of hypothyroidism when you come off cycle (aka rebound). Both hyper and hypo can cause hair loss.

If you are cycling it, especially if it is longer than 12 weeks, watch for excessive shedding or more hair in the drain of your shower. This is a good indicator that it is time to end the cycle.
This is some of the science behind it. After reading the science opinions are always nice to see how the compound effects different people.