Time of day and CNS

iron addict

New member
Lifters that don’t understand, or downplay the importance of full CNS capacity are often trainees that have a tough time with overall progress. Simply put, if your mind cannot send a STRONG signal to the neural net and the motor units, you just will not lift to your capacity. Like anything else related to the body, CNS capacity is a finite thing, and there are limits to what you can do, how hard you can do it, and the frequency of time it will take you to recover from it. Without going into all the factors involved, I’m going to address one simple aspect of CNS “firing” capacity--time of day.

There are many neurotransmitters and various metabolic systems that determine CNS capacity as it applies to weight training. You likely know many “morning people”, as well as “vampires”. Some of this has to do with personality of course, but much of it is also related to levels of neurotransmitters. Some people start the day firing on all cylinders at full power, and others need a warm-up. Some a LONG warm-up.

As a trainer, I frequently get calls by clients that are dismayed by a bad days lifting performance after changing their lifting session time by a large time-span. The most typical is an afternoon or evening trainer that has to do an early morning session because of job or family requirements. Often performance is HORRIBLE. And I speak from experience on this one because I can only be described as a vampire. I wake up SLOW, and it takes a couple hours for me to feel totally awake, and me trying to lift before I have been awake at LEAST 4-5 hours is just a waste of time. For me, the longer I have been awake the better the session usually is. For others, once they are awake, or past a certain time threshold, more time doesn’t make any difference in performance.

On the other end of the spectrum are the “morning” guys. I train a lot of lifters that get right up and are in the gym 45 minutes to an hour or so after waking, and do spectacular. CNS is at a peak for these guys in the morning, and they capitalize on it.

Though most of you are locked into when you can train because of work and family obligations, it will pay off for the ones that have options to find the best time of the day to hit the gym and be at full capacity. And if you are forced into flopping your schedule for a time, especially to an early morning schedule, don’t be surprised if you do less than anticipated.

Iron Addict
I don't think I've been to the gym before 4pm more than about 10 times in my entire life. It's too bad none of the gyms I go to (at home or school) is open past 10pm, I would love to train at 1am or something, that's when I have the most energy
i can also atest to this.i work shift work and wheni go on overnights and lift before work it's horrible,but when i work daytime work and lift after it's on like donkey kong!
great post!

morning workouts w/eca on my days off seem to produce my best lifts, but not consinstently. sad that I haven't nailed the formula down
Good post IA. I really find I'm an afternoon guy, like 2-3pm. It's a real shame I work from 8-5 :(
I find I perform best from 4-6pm in the gym. I've done some early morning sessions and like you said...it was a complete waiste of time. I'm 1 of those people that needs about 5hrs of being up before they are actually fully functional. I would rather work nights, but unfortunately I have to work 8-5+ many days 8-8. Seems like if I do alot of overtime I can't perform worth a shit in the gym either. Especially if its really hot out.
I've found that I lift far better in the morning, but I've always been able to run far better late at night. Too bad all of our runs in the military are early in the morning so I end up puking on some of the more intense ones. However, I'm always able to kick ass when doing strength training in the morning.
good read
i lift 11pm-1am, however i wake up at 1pm-2pm daily. also my gyms 24 hrs and busy as hell except after 10pm, so thats why i work out then. i tried the morning sessions once or twice and it threw my whole day off. i like bustin my ass at nite, losing my energy then going into a deep sleep.
There was a study done.. wish I still had the link. Where the body best responded to weightlifting 3 hours and 11 hours after waking in the morning.

Not too sure about that, one size does NOT fit all. 11 hours after waking puts me at about 4pm, almost done with the workout but usually pretty damn tired.

caladin said:
There was a study done.. wish I still had the link. Where the body best responded to weightlifting 3 hours and 11 hours after waking in the morning.

I have most energy at around 9:00pm, probably because it's the end of the day and I have all my meals inside me. I wouldn't even think about training in the morning time. I get up between 6 and 7 am, but I'm only properly awake at around 12:00 noon. I hate mornings, I feel sick and cranky; if someone even speaks to me I want to kill them lol.
just like almost everything else, you can program your cns to adapt. meaning you can change an afternoon person to be a morning person by constantly training in the morning. you will adapt none-the-less so it doesn't matter, it is which ever is better for you.
Very interesting post! I'm the same as you IA, I wake up slloooww and lift much better the later it is. I usually lift around 4-5pm but when I lift late at night like 11 or 12 I actually get my very best lifts in then. It's not really conveinent to go lift at midnight all the time though. Great post!