Timing of blood work after PCT?


I am banned!
Finishing week 4 of pct (did deca x 14 weeks, test x 16 weeks). Last shot of deca is now 8 weeks ago.
When should I check labs? If my test comes back low I'm going on HRT so this is a big deal for me right now and I wanna make sure the timing is right.
Why is that? I read some say 3 weeks, others say 4 months!
Also, should I extend pct another week or stop at week 4?
You can extend pct a week or two. You gotta understand that pct is meant to help restart your natural test production. Giving it 4-6 weeks after pct to get bloodwork done is to see where your levels are.
if you check levels too soon after pct you'll get a false high reading being clomid raises your test levels