Tire Training


New member
Anybody do any cardio or strength training with tractor tires if so i would love to hear the different workouts y'all do!
I did them when I played football in high school during summer camps and once the season came I felt I could run for miles and not get tired I wasn't huffing and puffing
I do tire flips, tire jumps jump into the center of the tire and then jump out without stopping in between each jump I usually string together 2 or 3 tires so I can jump 4 to 6 times without turning around, sledge hammer, sideways tire jumps same thing as going straight but jump to the right into the center then to the right out of the tire then back in to the left and out to the left, front squat the tire instead of flipping the tire completely over I will keep my hands underneath it and front squat it a bunch of times. I do all of this after I have done a bunch of different sprints and pull ups, push ups, sit ups etc. So it kicks my ass.
on one of the strongest man episodes they said that you are most likely to tear your bicept out on tire flips. ..... i love hiting $hit with a sledge hammer. demo on investment properties is my fav.......hate the clean up thou.