I'm on week 11 of a 12 week test-E cycle (500mg / week). I find the last few weeks I've been dragging my a**. Go to bed by about 11pm and up by 7am, but feel like I haven't slept at all and could sleep another 10 hrs. Anytime I lay down, I can fall asleep within about 5 minutes. I felt pretty good for the first 7-8 weeks (used DBOL for first 3), I'm haven't been taking an AI, because I haven't had any sides. This is my 3rd similar cycle, and I don't recall feeling like this in the past (although I only ran 10 week cycles). Anyone else get like this? I have AI on hand, should I try adding that in at this point, or just finish my 12 weeks and then PCT?
thanks for any suggestions/advice
thanks for any suggestions/advice