Tired and sleepy on Test-E?


New member
I'm on week 11 of a 12 week test-E cycle (500mg / week). I find the last few weeks I've been dragging my a**. Go to bed by about 11pm and up by 7am, but feel like I haven't slept at all and could sleep another 10 hrs. Anytime I lay down, I can fall asleep within about 5 minutes. I felt pretty good for the first 7-8 weeks (used DBOL for first 3), I'm haven't been taking an AI, because I haven't had any sides. This is my 3rd similar cycle, and I don't recall feeling like this in the past (although I only ran 10 week cycles). Anyone else get like this? I have AI on hand, should I try adding that in at this point, or just finish my 12 weeks and then PCT?

thanks for any suggestions/advice
Sounds like an E2 problem. What does your blood work show your E2 coming in at?

Hematocrit is also a possible culprit that should be checked? Have you donated blood while on this cycle yet?
Like Mega said, E2 high/low can affect energy levels, and so can hematocrit(high and low as well). Most people will have pretty high E2 on a legit 500 mg per week test E cycle. Some are lucky and won't get gyno symptoms, but E2 levels will still be elevated.

Androgens can make some people feel lethargic. I'm assuming it could be linked to them affect thyroid binding globulins, cortisol activity in the body, and serotonergic neurotransmission. It's amazing how everyone can respond so different to something, but you can chalk that up to genetics.