Hey guys, Im fairly new to steroids but I am learning. Trying my best to figure out what is what, and want to know what the "right" way to use anabolics. I have previuosly done one cycle. This is how it went:
week 1-12- sust250 500mg a week
week 6-10 Anavar 60mg ED
Week 14-16 post cycle therapy (pct) Nolvadex 40mg ED for a week then down to 20mg ED
Got amazing gains from it, loved the cycle, main side effects was sweats and a little bit of bloat. That being said I loved the cycle and would do it again.
Now for the real question, I have been talking to some people about TNT400 guys have used it for a while and say they love it, wouldnt use anything else. Now I am very interested in this cycle, but I have heard tren is some pretty crazy stuff and shouldnt be taken lightly. I would just like to get more info on what you guys think would be a proper post cycle therapy (pct) for this, I heard arimidex is a must when doing a cycle like this. I can get pretty much anything for post cycle therapy (pct) so please fire away and let me know. If someone could laye out the exact cycle I should be doing that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!
week 1-12- sust250 500mg a week
week 6-10 Anavar 60mg ED
Week 14-16 post cycle therapy (pct) Nolvadex 40mg ED for a week then down to 20mg ED
Got amazing gains from it, loved the cycle, main side effects was sweats and a little bit of bloat. That being said I loved the cycle and would do it again.
Now for the real question, I have been talking to some people about TNT400 guys have used it for a while and say they love it, wouldnt use anything else. Now I am very interested in this cycle, but I have heard tren is some pretty crazy stuff and shouldnt be taken lightly. I would just like to get more info on what you guys think would be a proper post cycle therapy (pct) for this, I heard arimidex is a must when doing a cycle like this. I can get pretty much anything for post cycle therapy (pct) so please fire away and let me know. If someone could laye out the exact cycle I should be doing that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!