TNT400 Not so good


New member
So, about a week ago did my first poke of TNT400 1cc cut with 1cc GSO, first injection was awesome no problems what so ever. Second shot not so much, after the shot my heart was racing and almost felt like something was caught in my throat, cannot explain it, I always aspirate and make sure the pin doesnt move around when injecting. Today at work I was standing there and all the sudden I had the feeling like something was stuck in the throat again, almost as if I was gasping but not quite a gasp. This is my first ever experience with tren and test e for that matter. I am thinking of quitting this cycle as I dont want the breathing problems to get worse than they are, I dont like the fact that this is effecting my breathing sort of scary to me. I have, however, started seeing results from just 2 shots. Vascularity is pretty wicked and some minor strength gains, but I do not think I am ready for Tren quite yet.

Does anybody know how long these sides will last and should i start a PCT after just 2 shots?
