to bake or not?

Not to slaughter my own thread here but I heated it again for ten minutes on stove top with pin in to relieve pressure and it seems the crystals melted and I swirled occasionally. It looks good but will it hold and maybe I didn't heat long enough the first time or will it turn on me again due to not enough bb? And since I did this with the needle to vent and the crystals that formed prior would it be a good idea to refilter or is it not necessary. Sorry for babling but I just wanted to clear up the rest of my questions to seal my paranoia up lol
I don't bake but before I take a shot I take the 2cc's or whatever my dosage is, put it in a little bottle (I use one that you'd get with IGH or other peptides), and hold it over a flame on the stove until it gets hot as fuck. I then let it cool, draw, and shoot. Aint nothing going to live through that. As for filter, .45 is fine as long as you're using quality oil and BA/BB. If you buy the cheap shit, which I've done in the past, might want to use a .22.
Thanks for the input guysi recently lab ratted my solution 200 mgs with 3% ba and 15% bb in gso with a. 45 filter and it was nice and smooth no pain no bump lol thank you all for your help and input next week is test enan. I heard its easier than tren. Enan..