To bulk or cut that is the question


New member
Hey wasup forum board!

Long time reader, first time poster. I decided to register because I'm going nuts on deciding whether to bulk up or start a cutting phase. As far as my training, I have been training for the past 3 years on a consistent 5 day a week, some weeks 6, program and my diet has been relatively okay.. Now my currents stats are: Age 23, weight 160, bf roughly about 20-25%.

I'm currently on a much needed vacation and I'll be back training next month and with the help of the board, I hope to know whether I will be cutting or bulking up.

Thanks in advance!
Honestly, at that high of a BF % you need to start just getting healthy and fit. I would throw AAS out the window until you lower your BF%.

If your going to do anything it would def. be to tighten up not bulk (you need to see what muscle you have already-aka-is what your working with before you bulk). Get a good routine & diet going and come back to the idea in about 2-4 months.
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I'm not being a dick, but if you've been training that long and you're that high of BF, either your training or diet isn't in check.

What's your height? Hard to believe you have that much BF @ 160lbs.

If I were you, I'd would definitely bulk. That way you can get some solid muscle on that will help with the cutting process later. A clean bulk can get you good results and reduce your bf% as well.
Hey wasup forum board!

Long time reader, first time poster. I decided to register because I'm going nuts on deciding whether to bulk up or start a cutting phase. As far as my training, I have been training for the past 3 years on a consistent 5 day a week, some weeks 6, program and my diet has been relatively okay.. Now my currents stats are: Age 23, weight 160, bf roughly about 20-25%.

I'm currently on a much needed vacation and I'll be back training next month and with the help of the board, I hope to know whether I will be cutting or bulking up.

Thanks in advance!

how is that possible if you train even 2x week, unless you are like 5'3
sorry, i'm 5'9 and i have 20% bf, which is typically average. So, now with that being said, would you recommend bulking or cutting?
Again, you need to lose 7-10% BF before you think about AAS. Get your diet and routine on track-thats the most important thing about this practice and obviously you haven't got that figured out yet. Which is ok for a newbie.

Like I mentioned before, Personally, I think that you should shred (lose weight). Meaning, that there is no need for AAS at this point in time.
Probably a comination of Overtraining/too much cardio and not eating right.

Get your diet in check. Even using AAS, you won't get any results if your diet isn't in check.
I think you should get more lean.. imo leaning out will do wonders for your confidence. i think "hotness" is generally described by being sub 10% bf.