To cruise or not to cruise!!!???

I'd rather not HAVE to inject for the rest of my life. Yes, I'm bigger and stronger than most, but I know that until the day I die - I'm going to be putting hormones in my body. I'd rather have the choice to be honest. :)

OP's writing style looks very similar....

So if you had the choice of being natural at your age you would choose that?
Before you lie and say yes the only hormone you "have to put in your body is test" but yet you choose a variety of hormones so i dont think its such a chore..... Love ya :love:
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So if you had the choice of being natural at your age you would choose that?
Before you lie and say yes the only hormone you "have to put in your body is test" but yet you choose a variety of hormones so i dont think its such a chore..... Love ya :love:

If I had the choice? If I had a natty test of 800ng/dL, I'd cycle like the rest - if that. Test isn't the only hormone I have to take (insulin), but it's the one that would be for vanity. I would die without insulin or test, but if we're just talking TRT, I would absolutely prefer at least having the option to cycle or not.

Lots of guys don't think about the negatives that come with TRT/cruising. Having to donate every other week (yes, I'm an extreme example), chasing estradiol, having to deal with dull needles because BD has a shitty batch (sorry, just pinned and the fucker wouldn't cut through the fascia, so I had to force it in), or think about LVH as a possible life ender? Those suck.

I DO benefit, and I won't lie - I DO take other hormones; but that's just me making some lemonade from the lemons between my legs. :p I just wish I had the option/choice if I wanted to put them in my body. Make no mistake though, I'm the first to defend TRT - as it turned around and saved my life.

Love you too. :horny:
Srs question. I know it's less than ideal for bodybuilding purposes, but aren't topical test gels acceptable for TRT purposes? And they will be generic in a few more years, right?

Even if you blasted by pinning, why isn't TRT with a topical acceptable?

Test in a bottle is the same in gel form except after you use the gel you can't have skin to skin contact for hours after application if this gel was so good everybody would be doing that instead of jabbing horse size needles in there ass with that said being on is still being on whether it's needles or gel
Quick question I was going to go get my blood work done today and I bought the female hormonal test. It says I have to fast for twelve hours.... Is that necessary for the test and the results I'm looking to get???
Test in a bottle is the same in gel form except after you use the gel you can't have skin to skin contact for hours after application if this gel was so good everybody would be doing that instead of jabbing horse size needles in there ass with that said being on is still being on whether it's needles or gel

Well, as of 2016, gel is still brand name and expensive. Test shots are pretty darn cheap.

I'm not saying it's a great option. I'm saying that for the people on TRT today, it's reasonable to assume that's an option at some point down the road. If you decide at age 55 that jabbing yourself is getting old.
Quick question I was going to go get my blood work done today and I bought the female hormonal test. It says I have to fast for twelve hours.... Is that necessary for the test and the results I'm looking to get???

That only matters if you want an accurate glucose reading.
I'm on TRT... And I blast/cruise... I've made more gains in my physique in the last year, than I did in the past 10... Mood is 1000% better... It's nice to be able to go into a workout knowing you can progress, rather than just hanging on to what pathetic muscle I had pre-TRT.

You can also pin once a week, twice is optimal.