Tons of water for water retention?


New member
What's your take on the philiosophy of using water to combat water? I've read and herd alot about how if you give your body excess water during a wet cycle that your body will rid itself of much of the excess that you carry from wet Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycles. Makes complete sense to me.

Like I was told, when someone goes on crash diet and starves themself their body's go into suvival mode and holds on to as much fat as possible. You have to eat to lose fat right, same goes for water? Drink excess to lose the excess?

Thoughts? Articles about water retention related to AI? Any support to this argument?
I can't find any juicy citations for you, but I can tell you that as your body enters dehydration, you will retain more fluids. Increasing water intake treats the dehydration, allowing your body to release the retained intracellular fluids. Dehydration being a relative term as we can experience it during short periods of extreme sweating or even long term due to poor water intake. I do know from experience that drinking an additional amount of water DOES help with keeping your body regular in its natural flushing (renal system) process which includes urination and reducing water retention. Just be sure to keep up on electrolytes as you can drive your sodium levels to dangerous levels if you continuously deplete your water stores.

If you find that you're retaining extra water in your face/feet (ankles), check your blood pressure and if applicable get your bloods drawn to verify that your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is doing its job/you're running an effective dose. High E2 invariably leads to water retention and is one of the first warning signs.

My .02c :)
Thanks halfwit. It all makes sense to me. Just wanted to hear what some of the experienced folk's takes on the matter were. So thanks for chiming in with a great explanation bro!
I find drinking extra water keeps me less bloated.

Bc the extra water intake helps flush things through your digestive system smoother, especially fiber. Increasing water intake has little to no effect on amount of water actually stored in the chronic setting.
If you have a constant flow of water going through you, your body won't think to store water because it won't fear being low.

People who go to the grocery store once a week have a fridge full of food.
People who go to the grocery store everyday keep little food in the fridge.

This is your body. The less you drink the more you stockpile.
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