Too many compounds??? Which ones should I drop, if any???


On another thread I was told that my cycle has too many compounds so I wanted to get some opinions to see if this is too many compounds, and if it is, which ones should I drop?

This is my fifth cycle that I just started. It's a little shorter and weaker than I have taken before to try and cut down on my lethargic feeling I get about a week into PCT. My first cycle was test e only (500mg/week), second cycle was test e (500mg/week) with dbol added, third cycle was test e (500mg/week) with npp (150mg/EOD) and dbol added, fourth cycle was test prop and tren with dbol. All went well but I have experienced a couple weeks of pretty bad lethargy about a week into PCT. I'm 44 years old, 6'3", 200lbs.

Week 1-10: Test E 250mg twice/week
Week 1-5: Dbol 35mg/day (to use up existing pills I have left over)
Week 3-12: HcG 500iu/week or 350 iu twice/week or none at all?????
Week 1-12: Aromasin 12.5mg EOD OR 10mg ED. Increase if experiencing gyno symptoms.
Week 13-15: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week 13-15: Clomid 50/50/25/25
Week 13-15: Creatine (10g/day)
Week 13-15: Vit C (1g in morning and 1-2 g after workout)
Week 1-12: Taurine 2g/day (if experiencing muscle cramps)
Week 1-12: Milk thistle 1000mg/day
Week 1-12: Hawthorn berry extract 1000mg/day
Week 1-12: Alpha Lipoic acid 200mg/day
Week 1-12: Liv52-DS 6 pills/day
Week 1-12: NAC 1200mg/day
You only have two compounds in this cycle so not sure how it would be to much?

Everything after clomid is OTC supplements and bit overkill with milk thistle, nac and liv52, at least your liver will like you.
Run HCG from the start. 250iu twice per week with the test e injections is standard.

I would personally run COQ10+Hawthorn berry, as its one pill.
This all looks good for me as the majority are supps. Yes good for your liver for sure. 12 weeks looks good too. What is your starting weight?
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Looks good, but please keep the hcg during your cycle. If you have to ask if you should use hcg then please read up on first cycles and any cycle as hcg must be used to keep your nuts working.
When does this cycle start?
Test and dbol? You've done way more in previous cycles. Not sure how this would be too many compounds. I like it. Have fun
First post for me in over 3 years!

You're 44 years old. Why bother with all the SERMs and other bullshit when you can just stay on?

I would blast and cruise. It will stop all of this lethargy and dramatic shifts in your endocrine system.

Don't forget your HCG, like Nicky_eye_lids said.
First post for me in over 3 years!

You're 44 years old. Why bother with all the SERMs and other bullshit when you can just stay on?

I would blast and cruise. It will stop all of this lethargy and dramatic shifts in your endocrine system.

Don't forget your HCG, like Nicky_eye_lids said.

blast how much and for how long, what are your recomended dosages?
Stretching your cycle to 14 weeks might yield you better gains that youll be able to keep. Your 2 weeks into this cycle right? how much hcg are you pinning per week?
Hey man everyone gave you the go ahead and only 2 compounds, :dunno: who told you there was too many they probably thought all your OTC meds were some kind of steroids.

Good Luck man ,
How many weeks into this cycle are you? what adjustments did you make to your cycle profile?