Too much tuna - side effects


The Chemist
I have been eating about 10-12 ounces of tuna a day as part of my cutting diet, and all was well until last week when I started feeling moderately ill, with flu-like symptoms. Also, mental lethargy has been increasing.

I am on clen currently, and I know the side effects can cause some of what I am experiencing, but with the amount of tuna that I am consuming, has anyone else had similar symptoms? Some of the biggest signs of mercury poisoning are mental lethargy and flu-like symptoms, so it had me a bit intrigued.

I am about done with clen and cutting, but I was curious if others have experienced these symptoms from eating tuna daily..
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I get probably 40oz of tuna (canned, in olive oil) a week. I've never had "tuna sides." (is this question for real?)

Are you on anything other than the clen?

What do you carbs look like? It's conceivable you could be hypoglycemic. If you're on T3 as well as clen, you might be having a thyroid issue and you might consider backing off for a while. It also sounds a little like estrogen sides. If you're on cycle you may want to look at arimidex or nolvadex.

But really. Tuna sides??
I get probably 40oz of tuna (canned, in olive oil) a week. I've never had "tuna sides." (is this question for real?)

Are you on anything other than the clen?

What do you carbs look like? It's conceivable you could be hypoglycemic. If you're on T3 as well as clen, you might be having a thyroid issue and you might consider backing off for a while. It also sounds a little like estrogen sides. If you're on cycle you may want to look at arimidex or nolvadex.

But really. Tuna sides??

A doctor friend of mine told me with the amount of tuna I eat I could possibly be getting mercury poisoning as it builds more and more in my system.

I am only on clen and nothing else. Carbs are 200g on high day, followed by 50g for 3 low days and cycled.
I get probably 40oz of tuna (canned, in olive oil) a week. I've never had "tuna sides." (is this question for real?)

Are you on anything other than the clen?

What do you carbs look like? It's conceivable you could be hypoglycemic. If you're on T3 as well as clen, you might be having a thyroid issue and you might consider backing off for a while. It also sounds a little like estrogen sides. If you're on cycle you may want to look at arimidex or nolvadex.

But really. Tuna sides??

yeah bro supposedly you should only have 2-3 max 4 cans of tuna a week to be safe from mercury build up. Alot of it depends on the individual and their body weight.

10-12 ounces of tuna daily is 75-80 a week vs your 40oz weekly.
yeah bro supposedly you should only have 2-3 max 4 cans of tuna a week to be safe from mercury build up. Alot of it depends on the individual and their body weight.

10-12 ounces of tuna daily is 75-80 a week vs your 40oz weekly.

Oh, my fault. I missed the part about "per day". I consider myself to eat a right shit ton of tuna (and no, that's not a pussy joke) -- but 80oz a week seems excessive. Can you not get your protein elsewhere?
Oh, my fault. I missed the part about "per day". I consider myself to eat a right shit ton of tuna (and no, that's not a pussy joke) -- but 80oz a week seems excessive. Can you not get your protein elsewhere?

I was cutting, actually I am updating my cutting thread tomorrow because it's the last day, but I use tuna as a source for my fat, as well as protein. I do have a lot of chicken as well, but I mix tuna with cottage cheese and it works great for me.

I am changing my diet for bulking now, so I guess I will be off of tuna, but I think I have been suffering from possible signs of mercury poisoning. I live at a university, and so the meals are not the best, so I have access to plain tuna, so I take advantage of it.
yep, thanks to our unsustanable methods of everyting we do, we have polluted all our water sources which includes the fish we eat. cut tuna back to maybe 2x a week. stick to turkey & chicken breast.
yep, thanks to our unsustanable methods of everyting we do, we have polluted all our water sources which includes the fish we eat. cut tuna back to maybe 2x a week. stick to turkey & chicken breast.
Yep, you're right on that one. Pollution is a killer.

I am going to cut back now that I am done cutting and increase my beef, turkey, and chicken.
Yea the mercury in tuna is pretty brutal. Unless your getting FRESH tuna from the docks dont eat it everyday, 2X a week at most for your safety. Although almost Everything that is packaged has been poisoned for us :)
It's weird you mentioned this. I was eating a ton of star kist tuna for my cut and was fine. I switched over to another brand can't remember what. All I know is the can had a white wrapping around it. I started feeling sick but I ignored it unt wham threw up with flu like symptoms. Rested a few days got back on star kist and was fine.
it could also be a food born allergy... how long have you been eating tuna like this?
I eat 4-6 cans/day (120grams drained) to remove the sodium I rinse every can of tuna with a steel strainer, no sides so far...
I was eating this much tuna for about 7 weeks. Never had a problem until the last week where I was getting all these crazy symptoms that are all side effects of mercury poisoning.

It could be an allergy, 3J. I decreased my tuna consumption to twice a week, and I will be done with it in a few weeks all together once I start my mass cycle.

I will say though, I cannot completely rule out the usage of clen on this. Clen does give me some rather intense sides when I up the dose, but the flu-like symptoms kinda made me suspicious.
Sounds like mercury poising bro, if your looking for healthy fats.... and omegas look at things like avocados and flax seed.... consider adding olive oil, GSO, Avocado oils to everything you eat. all just as beneficial....
oh also considerin switching your fish, to fast growing fish like tilliapa, or salmon ,,,, they will hold less toxins