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Here are some vital strategies for bodybuilding success. Give them a try for yourself and see how quickly your results can improve!"
By Matt Duvall and changed a bit by me ~D.G.~
Intensity (or your level of effort in the gym) revolves around your passion for training, intensity isn't one's ability to scream during a set or throw down weights after last rep. Its about focusing all your emotion, stress, and energy into one movement at a time.
I often train once a day, so there's no second chance to redeem myself if I slack off. The bottom line always be intense!
In my experiences, those who lost sight of their goals first went wrong by not following a proper nutrition program. All bodybuilders require large amounts of protein to keep growing. I'm a big fan of basic protein sources such as protein shakes, red meat, chicken and turkey. Figuring out ones daily requirements of carbs fats, however can be tricky. Some have success consuming fats for energy, whereas others depend heavily on carbs to fuel them through a day. I've had success with both approaches.
Commitment, in my opinion is what separates the champs from all the wanna-be bodybuilders. There's no "off-season" for a bodybuilder who wants to be successful. Be committed to eating properly year round, even off-cycle! Be committed to training by staying consistent! Being committed to always living a healthy lifestyle!
RULE #7 Record you progress.
I don't but many find useful a personal journal of weights used, sets reps, and even way I felt during set. I need not go into more details I hate doing this, lol.
Make a personal goal to yourself. I wanna bench 405 for reps, or squat 700lbs. I set short term goals and longterm goals. By setting goals it gives us something to strive for and want to achieve. Once a goal is met make another one!
Hard to wanna keep going when you met all you personal goals always need some motivational factor to want to improve upon.
I learned from an early age to educate myself as much as I could in regards to training, nutrition, and supplements. To this day, I've managed to keep making forward progress by getting help from others, and reading new cutting-edge strategies.
To be continued later!
I'm tired of typing!
By Matt Duvall and changed a bit by me ~D.G.~
Intensity (or your level of effort in the gym) revolves around your passion for training, intensity isn't one's ability to scream during a set or throw down weights after last rep. Its about focusing all your emotion, stress, and energy into one movement at a time.
I often train once a day, so there's no second chance to redeem myself if I slack off. The bottom line always be intense!
In my experiences, those who lost sight of their goals first went wrong by not following a proper nutrition program. All bodybuilders require large amounts of protein to keep growing. I'm a big fan of basic protein sources such as protein shakes, red meat, chicken and turkey. Figuring out ones daily requirements of carbs fats, however can be tricky. Some have success consuming fats for energy, whereas others depend heavily on carbs to fuel them through a day. I've had success with both approaches.
Commitment, in my opinion is what separates the champs from all the wanna-be bodybuilders. There's no "off-season" for a bodybuilder who wants to be successful. Be committed to eating properly year round, even off-cycle! Be committed to training by staying consistent! Being committed to always living a healthy lifestyle!
RULE #7 Record you progress.
I don't but many find useful a personal journal of weights used, sets reps, and even way I felt during set. I need not go into more details I hate doing this, lol.
Make a personal goal to yourself. I wanna bench 405 for reps, or squat 700lbs. I set short term goals and longterm goals. By setting goals it gives us something to strive for and want to achieve. Once a goal is met make another one!
Hard to wanna keep going when you met all you personal goals always need some motivational factor to want to improve upon.
I learned from an early age to educate myself as much as I could in regards to training, nutrition, and supplements. To this day, I've managed to keep making forward progress by getting help from others, and reading new cutting-edge strategies.
To be continued later!
I'm tired of typing!